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Until a plant can make its own food by the chemical process of photosynthesis, seeds have to support the plant and provide everything it needs. However, the food inside the seed is not in the form of simple sugars (which is what the cells of the plant need), but instead in the form of complex, insoluble molecules such a protein and starch. Because of this, mobilisation takes place to convert the molecules into something useful to the plant. Mobilisation happens because of enzymes which digest the large molecules.

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9y ago

Vitamins help regulate enzymes in plant tissues which help it to control metabolism. This can lead to changes in the shape of the plant and its growth.

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Q: Vitamins role contains by plants on the enzymes activity?
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Why do Vitamins help the growth of plants?

some vitamins are act as cofactors or coenzymes esssntial for growth of enzymes

What vitamins affect the growth of a planet?

Fertilizers contains vitamins which and its commonly used on farms. This type of vitamin harms our plants and animals.

How does pH affect plants growth?

becaues the plants will not have room for its root to grow

How are enzymes affected by environment?

As I know, enzymes can be found in all plants. If no enzymes could be found in plants, there was no life.

What is the difference between herbs and vitamins?

herbs are plants. vitamins are nutritional compounds of plants.

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Coconut milk contains Nutrients and enzymes needed for plant growth. Coconut milk is, therefore, used as medium in tissue culture experiments.

Why do vitamins affect the growth of plants?

"Vitamins" is a null concept for plants, plants can synthesize any molecule required all by itself.

What is the effect of Vitamin C on plants and do plants need vitamins?

1)none 2) no, plants do not require vitamins, they make their own molecules as neded. Vitamins are an animal concept only.

Are human vitamins bad for marijuana plants?

No, but it wouldn't do anything useful either. Plants produce their own vitamins.

How do you find vitamins?

you can find vitamins in plants like vegetables and fruits

How does liquid helps plants?

Hi there liquid helps a plant and their health because it contains all the vitamins and minerals which helps plants to be healthier and to also help them produce their own chemicals such as chlorofil the green pigment, the vitamins and minerals in water nourish the plant and is taken to different areas of the plant where needed.

Why vitamin is produced in plant?

Vitamin C is commonly used to promote plant growth. Plants themselves naturally produce vitamins. Some of the vitamins produced by plants are vitamins A and E.