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Q: Rules regarding death in Florida cremation and burial in Georgia?
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Burial or Cremation?


How do Christians feel regarding cremation?

Whether burial or Cremation. There are all ways of disposing the body. After death the spirit leaves the body, and the body eventually returns to earth.

What is the difference between burial and cremation?

A Burial is when the casket is lowered into the ground with the body, intact, inside. A Cremation is when the casket and the body are burned into ashes, then give to family/friends. A burial is often much more expensive that a cremation.

How do you use cremation word in sentence?

Some people prefer traditional burial to cremation .

What burial trend is popular in todays culture?


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Does Reform Judaism allow cremation?

In Reform Judaism, cremation is permitted but traditional burial is strongly recommended. This violates Orthodox Jewish teachings which hold that burial is required.Read more here at the Reform Movement's Website.

What are the laws on pet cremation in NJ?

There are no laws on pet or animal cremation. There is on burial. Read more at

Can you rent a casket for burial?

Usually for a cremation service only. There are special rental casket which can receive an inner cremation casket. After the service the cremation casket is taken out of the oversize rental casket and taken to the crematory.

What does The Bible say about cermation?

The Bible does not say anything about cremation, but it says a lot about burial.

How did the Celts bury their dead?

The Celts practiced both cremation and inhumation for burial. Cremation involved burning the body, while inhumation meant burying the body intact. The burial sites varied, from simple graves to elaborate tombs or barrows.

Cremation is more important that burial in which religion?

It is more important among the Hindus as they believe that if they do not do it , their soul will not get peace.