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You can tell what bird it is by colour.

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Q: Runescape-How do you tell what type of bird it is by the color or stripes?
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Orange! No seriously, as far as I know black and white stripes. no, wise ass, i believe there a brownish color with very faint stripes :)

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their difference is that the male's color is like i guess you know the color of their feathers is darker not like a different color like the same color but darker

Does a skink live in Florida?

yes they do acctually there stripes on them are not as full color as other ones that live in virginiathe Florida ones tail is a very deep blue that you can barly tell its there and faint yellow stripes all over its body

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A boy has white stripes on his shell and a girl has brown stripes on hers.

How do you tell if a snail is a girl or a boy?

White stripes on a shell means it's a boy and if it is a girl it has brown stripes.

How do you you tell how old a snail is?

you can tell by how many stripes they have on there shell

How do you tell if your baby banthem chick is a hen?

Unless it is a certain breed or color, there will not be a way to tell until the bird is older and begins to develop comb/wattles/sickle and hackle feathers.

Tell me that I'm a bird What if your a bird Now say your a bird too If your a bird I'm a bird?

I'm not a bird and your not a bird and this question makes no sense!

How can you tell which is female or male blue bird?

Female birds are always lighter in color and not with bright colors. Male birds have bright colors to attract the females.

How can you tell how old your budgies are?

I'm not sure how you tell the exact age but the more stripes it has on its head mean the younger it is

How can you tell if a wild bird sparrow is a boy or a girl?

The boy sparrow has a darker head and color on its whole body including its chest while the girl is a lot lighter.

What is the state bird of Mongolia?

As far as I can tell, no bird has ever been designated as Mongolia's national bird.