

Salary of an obstetrician gynaecologist by the hour?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Around $120.00 per hour for the average obstetrician or gynecologist.

As of 2010, In the USA the annual median Obstetrician Salary is $248,000.

The lower end 10% is around $101,000 annually.

The upper end 10% is around $350,000 annually.

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Q: Salary of an obstetrician gynaecologist by the hour?
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An MD for starters.

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Obstetrician/Gynecologist salary break-down: The average median salary would be $120. per hour. The average median salary weekly would be $4800. The average median salary monthly would be $20,666. As of 2010, In the USA the annual median Obstetrician/gynecologist Salary is $248,000. The lower end 10% is around $101,000 annually. The upper end 10% is around $350,000 annually.

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As of 2010, In the USA the annual median Obstetrician Salary is $248,000.

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Annually the median Obstetrician Salary Salary is $248,000.

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In the USA the annually the median Obstetrician Salary is $248,000.

Salary for Gynaecologist?


What is the monthly salary for a obstetrician?

Annually the median Obstetrician Salary Salary is $248,000, divide by 12 and it would be $20,666.00 a month.

How much do obstetricians earn an hour?

Average is about $120.00 and hour. As of 2010, In the USA the annual median Obstetrician Salary is $248,000. The lower end 10% is around $101,000 annually. The upper end 10% is around $350,000 annually.

How much money does an obstetrician make an hour?

The average median salary would be $120. per hour. The average median salary weekly would be $4800. The average median salary monthly would be $20,666. As of 2010, In the USA the annual median Obstetrician Salary is $248,000. The lower end 10% is around $101,000 annually. The upper end 10% is around $350,000 annually.

Hourly salary for obstetrician?

$145,500+AnswerStarting out would be at the lower end scale, how fast it climbs depends on how good the obstetrician is. As of 2010, In the USA the annual median Obstetrician Salary is $248,000.The lower end 10% is around $101,000 annually.The upper end 10% is around $350,000 annually.

What is the salary of gynaecologist in us?

$150,000-250,000 a year