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The normal pH range for Saliva is 5.6 to 7.9. This is the pH balance present in the body which is close to neural.

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Q: Saliva contains enzymes that start the process of digestion What pH would you expect saliva to be Why?
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Related questions

What contains an enzyme that starts the chemical digestion of food?

saliva is the substance in the mouth that contains enzymes to help with digestion before the food is swallowed.

What substances does the enzymes in saliva change starch into?

it contains enzymes which break the starch down to sugar

Use saliva in a sentence?

Human saliva contains enzymes thus commencing digestion right from chewing.

What carries enzymes?

Is Rennin is the first enzyme in the initial step of digestion of milk in humans

What substance contains enzymes that help break down food before digestion?


Where do enzymes start?

Enzymes play a very important part in the process of digestion. Enzymes are in saliva, and they play the role of breaking down food.

What is broken down by saliva?

Saliva contains enzymes; in particular salivary amylase. Salivary amylase breaks down starch down in to simple sugars. More precisely, polysaccharides into maltose (a disaccharide). Saliva also starts the process of fat digestion; as it contains salivary lipases also. Enjoy!

How does the mouth begin the process of digestion of turtle?

Digestion starts when the turtle chews food in small pieces and mixes it with saliva, which has digestive enzymes in it.

What is saliva and what does it do?

Human saliva is 98% water, which carries electrolytes, mucus, antibacterial compounds and various enzymes. Enzymes begin the digestion process, breaking down some starch and fat.

Where does the digestion food start?

Digestion starts as soon as the food is put in your mouth. Your saliva contains enzymes that bread down food material almost instantly.

Where does enzymatic digestion begin?

enzymes start the process of digestion in the mouth. they are located more specifically in saliva which is located in the salivary glands.

Is enzymes saliva?

No but it contains and is rich in enzymes