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The pepper pot/shaker has more holes than the salt because we should have less salt on our food and what if we poured too much salt and it is not good for you but if you decide you want more salt and you choose your own amount you want then shake more but mostly it's easier the way the amount of holes there is already are

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Q: Salt and pepper shaker more holes?
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How do you tell salt and pepper shakers apart?

Pepper shakers will have more holes than salt (it's logical: it's worse to oversalt a dish).

When were salt and pepper first used together?

What would a dinner table be without its salt and pepper? They've become so ubiquitous in everyone's kitchen. However, we rarely wonder why. Both were heavily used in cuisine for hundreds of years, but so were several other spices. What made people focus on salt and pepper? The story begins with salt. In Ancient Rome, it gained popularity as a condiment. Italians during the Renaissance served salted dishes at the same time as sugared dishes. It was not until the 17th century that the French created a salt-sweet divide. Salted foods were eaten throughout the meal because they stimulate the appetite. Sweet plates were served at the end; they satiate the appetite and shutdown our desire to eat. It was in France that salt met its inevitable spicy partner, pepper. 17th-century Classic French cuisine, which developed at the court of Louis XIV, considered pepper and parsley as superior to the various spices imported from the Middle East. In fact, it viewed all spices as vulgar ingredients masking the true flavor of a dish. Pepper was the only spice acceptable. And, it eventually attained the same status as fine herbs which were thought to be more wholesome and exquisite. The French heightened the importance of pepper giving it the status it

Why do basketball shorts have holes?

The holes are there for two reasons. 1. To let air get in, out more easily. 2. To improve the flexibility of the shorts

In ancient Ghana was salt or gold worth more?

in ancient Ghana salt was more valuable. gold was everywhere whereas salt was rare. also salt was more valuable because salt helps you retain water which ment they could travel longer without water, increasing trade across the Sahara desert. also salt helped preserve food, making it worth more than gold

Why do crackers have holes in them?

The holes allow the heat to flow through the dough creating the cracker's hard texture **Without the holes the cracker would puff up. The holes allow steam to escape during baking. Holes are in 'soda-saltine' crackers so that the heat can bake then faster and more evenly, making it cheaper to produce them. Remember, not all crackers have holes.

Related questions

Which one is for salt and which one is for pepper?

Typically in a set of salt and pepper shakers one of them has more holes in the top - that one is for the salt. The shaker with only one hole or the one with fewer holes is for the pepper.

Does the salt shaker have more holes than the pepper shaker?

It depends on the designer. There's no standard number of holes for salt and pepper shakers.Very often, a set will have different hole configuration. One shaker will have one hole, and the other a number of holes. So...which goes in which?The "Flavor" camp says that Salt goes in the shaker with more holes because people use salt more often, and in greater amounts. This equalizes the need, making one shake roughly the same for either spice.On the other hand, the "Flow" camp argues that Pepper goes in the shaker with more holes because it consists of larger chunks than salt. This equalizes the flow, making one shake roughly the same for either spice.The International Guild of Professional Butlers has the most complete answer going with the Flow approach and actually talks more about the size of the holes: "The salt shaker may be distinguished primarily by the size of the holes, and then by the number of holes. Salt is coarser than pepper, and needs the larger hole. It is also heavier and flows much more freely than pepper, accordingly there are often fewer holes on the salt shaker to help control the flow. However, there is no manufacturing standard."But according to a comment left on a blog debating this very issue, there's one good solution:I submit that the reasonable solution is to load up the shakers, give them a couple of good shakes, see if a reasonable amount of condiment is dispensed from each, and if so, mix a martini and call it a day.If the condiment distribution differential (CDD) is too high, reverse the salt/pepper distribution and try again, then pick the one that is better.

How do you tell salt and pepper shakers apart?

Pepper shakers will have more holes than salt (it's logical: it's worse to oversalt a dish).

How do you stop labs from digging?

Good question. What you do is you take some crushed black pepper, like in a pepper shaker , and you go put it in all of the holes. When the dog goes to sniff it will sting its nose and he/she will most likely not dig any more in that area. Sit outside and watch you dog. If it starts to dig a new hole put more and more black pepper and scold it. If it doesn't respond then take the shaker up to its nose and when the dog inhales it will carry it up into his nostrils. It should teach your dog a lesson.

What weighs more salt or black pepper?

100 g of salt has the exact same mass as 100 g of pepper. However, pepper is less dense than salt so equal volumes of salt and pepper would have the salt have a greater mass.

Is salt and pepper a solution?

Yes, salt is soluble in water but pepper is a complex mixture of organic chemicals, some of which are not soluble in water at all.

Why is pepper lighter than salt?

It is not. An ounce (or gram) of salt weighs the same as an ounce (or gram) of pepper.However, the density of salt is more than the density of pepper. Thefore the volume of one onunce (or gram) of pepper will be greater than the volume of one ounce (or gram) of salt.

Is a salt and pepper grinder better than regular dispensers?

You will get more fresh results with a grinder versus a regular dispenser. It also gives you more control over dispensing the salt and pepper.

When given a choice between salt or pepper what is the more considered choice?

Depends on the food. "Statistics show that 46% of Americans choose pepper over salt." by:

What do you do when your salt is too high?

the best thing to do would be to drink some water to even it out. salt/water mix is important.

What melts ice faster SugarSaltor pepper?

Salt is the answer to that question. The salt has more chemicals in it that will cause the ice to open up and to melt.

Is salt healthier than pepper?

While Pepper is higher in calories than Salt, (About 16 calories per tbsp serving compared to Salt, which has no calories.) it also contains far less sodium (3mg per tbsp, compared to 6976mg per tbsp of table salt.) making it preferable for those with high blood pressure or worried about developing high blood pressure. ANSWER_ pepper can make u sneeze alot but salt messes up your kidneys salt blocks your ateries so pepper is better Pepper Because The pepper doesn't have the amount of effects on your body as salt will and could kill you if you have more than the recommended amount Hope this helps ~! Pepper was proven by my doctor to edited by master983