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Q: Salt water effects on young seedlings?
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What effects does salt have on water?

No major effects. The salt water and the water join to become a less concentrated salt solution than the salt water but a more concentrated salt solution than the regular water.

Why does salt water have positive effects on us?

Because salt turns into water and water is what we need.

What are the examples of predictions?

Prediction: The plants watered in a high concentrate of salt water will stunt the seedlings growth and prevent seed germination.

What are the effects when salt is mixed with water?

It becomes saltwater.

What are the effects of salt water vs chlorinated water when rusting iron?

it rusts

Why does salt water cause gagging and nausea which doesn't occur when consuming salt and water separately?

Salt and water form a chemical bond and create a different substance. Salt and water separately do not approximate the effects of this substance.

What are the effects of copper in a salt water solution?

The effects will be evaporation of water because the acids pull the covering off with the sodium choride and the water will rise

What is the effects of boiled salt water poured on to a plant?

the plant will wilt

What effects does Epsom salts have on water?

Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate heptahydrate) is dissolved in water.

What effects does the amount of salt have on floatability of an egg?

The larger the salt concentration in the water, the more quickly the egg will achieve flotation. Adding salt to the water will cause the egg to float.

What lobsters drink?

When lobsters drink, they drink water. They do not metabolize salt in the same way that most animals do. They suffer no ill effects of salt water.

What do lobsters drink?

When lobsters drink, they drink water. They do not metabolize salt in the same way that most animals do. They suffer no ill effects of salt water.