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Q: Santa was originally a bishop in the 4th century in which country?
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Origin of santa?

Saint Nicholas, a 4th-Century bishop who was from modern-day Turkey.

What religon was the original santa?

Christian, he was a bishop.

Where does santa live actually?

Well, firstly, the name of the first, 'real' Santa Claus was Saint Nicolas. He gave of his own meagre means to the needy. Of Greek descent himself, he was Bishop of Myra [now in Turkey] but originally, also mainly of Greek origin and tradition.

What is the purpose of Santa Claus?

santa is originally from saint nickoles

Which country does the Santa Gertrudis cattle come from?

The Santa Gertrudis cattle was originally bred at King Ranch, in Kingsville, Texas. Santa Gertrudis cattle are a cross of Brahman and Shorthorn.

What is the patron of Santa?

There is no patron saint of Santa. However, Santa is loosely based on the real life Bishop St. Nicholas of Myra.

Why is Santa's coat red?

The first santa was a Turkish Bishop and his outfit had a lot of red in it.

How did Santa get to deliver presents to kids?

The name Santa Claus is derived from St Nicholas, a bishop who lived in the 4th century. Concerned for widows and children, Nicholas organised for gifts of necessary items such as food to be delivered to the poor. His name became associated with generosity and gift-giving, and eventually was changed to Santa Claus.

Who was the first person to distribute gifts?

Saint Nicholas of Myra, a Christian bishop from the 4th century, is the first known 'Santa Claus' to distribute gifts. There are also stories of Sinterklaas in the Netherlands and Holland.

Was Saint Nicholas a Christian?

Yes, Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop in the early Church. He was known for his generosity and kindness, which led to him becoming the inspiration for the modern figure of Santa Claus.

Did St. Nicholas really exist?

Yes, St. Nicholas of Myra was a 4th century bishop in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) who was noted for his generosity to the needy. He is no relation of Santa Claus who is a fictional character.

Who populated santa baby?

The song 'Santa Baby' was originally sung by Eartha Kitt.