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Q: Scenes from which other movie appear during the end credits of Blade Runner?
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Pokémon Company International and its dubbing production company DuArt Films ended up changing the opening scenes of the opening credits during the middle of "Pokémon DP: Galactic Battles" due to the fact that the original scenes that were used in the first sequence were from earlier episodes whereas the scenes that they ended up using in the newer opening are from the HD broadcasts of the episodes and that is why they ended up changing the opening theme's opening credits scenes so that the scenes in the opening would end up matching with the episodes when they started broadcasting the episodes in HD.

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Jimmy Carter is not a character in "The Kite Runner." He is a real-life former President of the United States. He does not appear or have any affiliation with the events or characters in the novel.

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Flo Rida sings "Right Round" during the credits.

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The song is actually called "End Credits"

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The masked Michael is referred to as The Shape due to the fact that for a good part of the movie you don't really see him, he just blends in with the darkness and shadows, he is a man but he represents everything that is evil, and also because while Nick Castle was the main Michael, Tony Moran played him during the unmasked scenes and he is in the credits as Michael Myers.

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The song that is played during the credits of the movie Step Up 2 is "Low" by Flo Rida. They play this song at the end of the movie when the credits are rolling.

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