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Q: Science must be this to not exchange wishes for facts?
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What sets Science Fiction apart from other styles of story telling?

Science fiction uses science as a basis -- when you write "SciFi," your scientific facts must be accurate or plausible based on today's scientific knowledge. The only other form of fiction which must have solid facts underneath the story is historical fiction, which must be accurate for a certain time period.

How do you donate your body to science after you die?

If a person wishes to donate their body for science, there are certain procedures that must be followed. This normally involves official communication through a will or some other document.

What is the most important characteristic a science fiction story must have?

Interpolation or extrapolation upon known scientific facts or principles.

What is humanities common view of science?

It has certainly changed in our day because, when I was young all facts seemed to be part of science. Now, like the documentary of our famous Prof Walking, we see objections to reality science and no facts given to support another idea of our existence. One must note this has to be political as that documentary was not real science and gave no evidence of contrary creation. Bungal777

Every person who wishes to vote must first take care of this?

Every person who wishes to vote must first ensure he or she has enrolled or registered as a voter.

Why so important that the scientist must be logical and systematic?

Scientists must be logical and systematic to ensure that their experiments are based on sound reasoning and methods. This helps to eliminate bias and errors in their findings, leading to more reliable results. By following logical and systematic approaches, scientists can make robust conclusions and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field.

What must be true for science to be able to answer a question?

It must be testable for science to be able to answer a question.

How can science be used in all science?

science is science and therefore must be relevant to the entirety of its self

What are the potential pitfalls of writing in this genre?

You didn't say what genre you're worried about! For example, when writing science fiction, you must have your science facts in place or your story will fall apart and the readers will brand you a fake and not read your stories again. With mysteries, you have to provide a hard enough puzzle without it being totally insolvable. And with historical fiction, you have to have your history facts right.

What are facts about fact?

Some facts about facts are:To be a fact, the statement must be trueFacts are not opinions.Facts can be verified as true.

What if the father IS NOT the executor in the mothers will?

Then someone else is and must follow the wishes of the deceased.

What is the required education needed to become a science teacher?

A science teacher must have a minimum of a bachelor's in education. They can have a certification in science. Teachers can also have a bachelor's in the subject of science. College science teachers must have a masters or a doctorate.