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If a person wishes to donate their body for science, there are certain procedures that must be followed. This normally involves official communication through a will or some other document.

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Q: How do you donate your body to science after you die?
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Can you donate your body to Sciencediet?

Yes you can donate your body to science. It will go to a university as a cadaver and get pulled apart by Med. students. Please consider that if you donate your body to science you cannot also donate your organs - my preferred place, you could save a life.

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his left lung

Can you donate your cornea to your son?

No. Corneas are needed for a healthy life. If you want to donate them you can donate your body to science/hospital.

Can you get paid to donate your body to medical science?

No, usually not.

You are dead what do you do?

Nothing. You are either cremated, buried or donate your body to science.

How do you donate your cats body to science?

You can call your local veterinary school and ask if they accept cats bodies after they die. If they do, the school will give you all the information you need.

How do you arrange to donate your body to the NHS when you die?

Write it in your will.

How can you donate your body to University of Chicago Medical school?

Most medical schools allow you to donate your body to science, but you would need to contact them directly in order to get the propper forms. You would also need to notify your next of kin, to that they can tell the appropriate authorities after you die.

How much will science pay you for your body?

They get them for free, usually, from people who plan to donate them after death.

Why do people donate their body to science?

Their reasons are personal. Usually ethically, scientifically or otherwise.

Can you sell your body to science before you die?

In reality you can decide to be a volunteer to be in trials and experiments, and get paid for it. You can even decide your body will be given to science after you die. However, you can't "sell" your body before you are dead.

Can someone be and organ and tissue donor and still donate the body to science?

yes you can just certain parts