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Remember these three:

1 gram of Fat = 9 calories.

1 gram of Carbs = 4 calories

1 gram of protein = 4 calories

To get the percent of fat in potato chips you would need to figure out the fat gram, carb gram and protein gram.

Example: There are 10g of fat, 15 g of carbs, and 2 g of protein in a one serving bag of potato chips. So multiply

Fat: 10 g x 9 = 90 calories

carbohydrate: 15 g x 4 = 60

Protein: 2 g x 4 = 8

Add 90+60+8= 158 Total Calories in one serving bag of potato chips

Divide 90 calories of fat into 158 total calories (90/158 = 0.57 x 100 = 57%)

There are 57% fat in one serving bag of potato chips.


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It's simple to measure body fat. All you need is some measuring tape, and your weight and height measurements. At this website, you can calculate your body fat percentage: First, you measure your hips with the measuring tape, then your calfs, thighs, and hips. Once you enter this information, you will be given your body fat percentage.

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I think you could measure it and than it could tell you the answers

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Measure yourself before and after you eat

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THE Butt is if he has one. Scientifically a starfish has a fat stomach that comes out of his body so technically it's fat

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You can buy special scales, that can tell you the percentage of body fat and muscle.

How do you get really fat in Fable 2?

Eating food with a really high fat content, like pies and chocolate. There is an information page for every item in Fable 2. When at a shop that sells food or liquor, go to the information page for each item and pick the ones with the highest fat percentage. There are also a few foods with a thin percentage too. Celery is one with a thin percentage.

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The main technique for measuring body fat percentage involves measuring your body. One online body fat determine suggests that you measure your weight, hips, waist, wrist, and forearm. You can find the calculator here: