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Q: Scientists have discovered or created over how many elements?
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How many elements have scientist discovered or created?

As of 2006, scientists know of 117 different elements

How many elements have been created or discovered by scientist?

Scientists have discovered and created a large number of elements thus far. Currently, there are 118 confirmed elements on the periodic table, with the first 92 occurring naturally and the rest being synthetic elements created in laboratories.

How many different elements scientists have discovered and studied?

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What elements were made by scientists?

The elements from the atomic number 98 to 118; but many other isotopes were created by scientists. Also some elements as Np, Pu, Bk, Am, Cm, Tc, Pm were for the first time obtained in laboratories and only after they were discovered in the nature at very low traces.

Many of the first discovered elements were named by?

Many of the first discovered elements were named by their discoverer or the location where they were discovered, such as hydrogen, named by Antoine Lavoisier, and uranium, named after the planet Uranus.

How many radioactive elements are discovered uptill now?

There are currently 38 radioactive elements that have been discovered. These elements have unstable nuclei that undergo radioactive decay, emitting radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays.

How many elements have scientists identified?

Scientists have identified 118 elements, with the most recent addition being tennessine in 2016. These elements span the periodic table and have unique properties that contribute to their classification.

How many elements haven't we discovered?

No one knows how many elements are left to discover.

How many elements were made by scientists?

a lot probaly over 1000 elements

How many elements have been discovered in 2008?

There were 118 discovered elements in the periodic tableÊas of 2008. However, some of these elements still have ongoing disputes.

How many elements were discovered in 1830?

Two elements were discovered in 1830: terbium and cerium. Terbium was discovered by Swedish chemist Carl Gustaf Mosander, while cerium was independently discovered by Swedish chemist JΓΆns Jacob Berzelius and German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth.

How many scientists are named after elements?

Surprisingly, most are.