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He kills Bob Ewell. By killing Bob, he prevents Jem and Scout from getting killed.

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1mo ago

Boo Radley protects the kids by leaving them small gifts and mending Jem's pants. He also saves them from Bob Ewell's attack by injuring Ewell in a struggle to defend the children.

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10y ago

Boo saved their lives when he defended them from Bob Ewell. He killed Bob which prevented them from getting injured or even killed.

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11y ago

By stabbing.

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In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Bob Ewell dies from injuries sustained during a struggle with Boo Radley when he attacks Scout and Jem. Boo Radley intervenes to protect the children, resulting in Bob Ewell's death.

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the sheriff decides not to charge Boo Radley for killing Bob Ewell, as he believes it was an act of self-defense to protect Scout and Jem. The sheriff understands that putting Boo Radley in the spotlight would not be in his best interest, so he chooses to protect Boo by not revealing his involvement in Bob Ewell's death.

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