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Q: Scratching a mineral with a nail is a test of?
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Scratching a mineral with a nail is a test of .?


What is scratching a mineral with a nail a test of?


Scratching a mineral with a nail is a test of what?

Scratching a mineral with a nail is a test of hardness. It helps determine the relative hardness of the mineral compared to known substances on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.

How is mineral hardness tested?

Mineral hardness is tested on a glass plate or usually a finger nail.

What is used to test the hardness of a a mineral?

The Moh's scale is used to test the hardness of a mineral. It will be tested by a fingernail scratching it.

What kind of test is it when you scratch a mineral with a nail?

Most likely you would be testing to see if the mineral was harder or softer than the nail.

What kinds of tests can you do to figure out the difference between diamonds and calcite?

The tests you can do is the streak test, the luster test,the finger nail test(which is scratching it ti see if its hard or not).

Is a nail a mineral?

no is not a mineral

What is it called when you perform a scratch test on a mineral?

It is called a streak and its purpose is to find the hardness of the mineral.

What mineral cannot resist scratching by any other mineral?

This is diamond.

What mineral is most resistant to scratching?


How measure of how a mineral resists scratching?
