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yes you anwered the question by yourself!!!! yay!

I'm just sooo super duper smart that true I'm super duper smart that's right super duper smart

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Q: Sea areas appear dark because they do not reflect as much light as do the Ranges?
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Why do Sea areas of the moon appear dark because they to not reflect as much light as what ranges?

"Sea Areas" appear dark because they do not reflect as much LIGHT as do the MOUNTAIN ranges.

Why are mountain ranges often found in coastal areas?

because there pretty

What secondary storage device is coded with areas that reflect and absorb laser light?

Optical storage devices are coded with areas that reflect and absorb laser light.

What is the definition of cattle ranges?

Open areas where they graze.

What happens if you shine a flashlight onto the outside of a metal bowl?

The light will reflect off the metal surface. The bowl will appear brighter in the areas directly hit by the light, while casting shadows on the opposite side.

Areas with large yearly temperature ranges have?

continental climates

Areas with large yearly temperature ranges have climates?


Which areas receive the most precipitation?

some of the mountain ranges do

Why are shadows always black?

Shadows appear black because they are areas where light is blocked or absorbed, preventing it from reaching our eyes. As a result, shadows lack the light needed to show color or detail, leading them to appear as dark areas.

Why don't all areas of Earth's surface receive the same amount of radiation?

All areas don't have the same asorption and reflection areas. Ice covered areqs reflect radiation mores so than vegatation covered areas,etc. Water and land absorb and reflect differently. Cloud covered areas and cloudless areas get different radiation.

Why don't all areas of earths's surface receive the same amount of radiation?

All areas don't have the same asorption and reflection areas. Ice covered areqs reflect radiation mores so than vegatation covered areas,etc. Water and land absorb and reflect differently. Cloud covered areas and cloudless areas get different radiation.

Why are all shadows black?

Shadows appear black because they are areas where light is blocked or obscured by an object, preventing light from reaching that area. This lack of light causes shadows to appear darker compared to the surrounding well-lit areas.