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terrigenous or continental sediments

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Q: Sediments derived primarily from the products of weathering on the continents are called?
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Sediments derived primarily from the products of weathering on the continents are called .?

terrigenous or continental sediments

What is the sediment called that is derived primarily from the products of weathering on the continents?

terrigenous sediment

Does chemical weathering form new products?

chemical weathering does not form new products

What is the conclusion to weathering?

Weathering is the first step for a number of other geomorphic and biogeochemical processes. The products of weathering are a major source of sediments for erosionand deposition. Many types of sedimentary rocks are composed of particles that have been weathered, eroded, transported, and terminally deposited in basins. Weathering also contributes to the formation of soil by providing mineral particles like sand, silt, and clay. Elements and compoundsextracted from the rocks and minerals by weathering processes supply nutrients for plant uptake. The fact that the oceans are saline in the result of the release of ion salts from rock and minerals on the continents. Leaching and runoff transport these ions from land to the ocean basins where they accumulate in seawater. In conclusion, weathering is a process that is fundamental to many other aspects of the hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.

What is the process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue particles of sediments together?

Cementation is the term that describes the process of forming sedimentary rock.Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments (products of the weathering of existing rocks) are glued together. When an aqueous solution is dissolved the minerals crystallize and glue sediments together. This process to form sedimentary rocks is called compaction (pressure-hardened) and commendation (gluing together by tiny crystals).

Conglomerates form from what kind of rock?

Conglomerates form from clastic sediments which are products of weathering, so, conglomeratic materials could be formed from any other rock type. Conglomerate itself is an Example of Mechanically formed Sedimentary Rock.

How do the products of mechanical and chemical weathering differ?

tool marks

How do products of mechanical and chemical weathering differ?

tool marks

Which family of rock is formed from weathering?

Clastic sedimentary rock is the usual type of rock formed from the products of rock weathering.

How is it possible to change marble into sedimentary rock?

Marble, when exposed to the elements, can be weathered like any other rock. The products of weathering can accumulate and form sediments, which, when sufficiently deeply buried, can become sedimentary rocks.

How the products of weathering being carried away by soil erosion?

Water, gravity, and wind.

Saturated fats are found primarily in?

Animal products