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Okay so an EKG show the electrical impulse that travels through the heart. What I mean is EKG don't show contraction. However the QRS complex represent ventricular depolarization, which signals ventricular contraction

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QRS complex

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QRS Complex

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Q: What part of an ECG represents ventricular depolarization?
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What is the greatest deflection from the baseline on the EKG?

The "R" is the greatest deflection from the baseline on the ECG. The R is part of the QRS complex. This complex represents ventricular depolarization in the heart.

What part of the ECG complex represents the atrial depolarization?

The P wave.

The deflection waves in an ecg tracing include?

The deflection waves in an ECG tracing include the P wave (atrial depolarization), QRS complex (ventricular depolarization), and T wave (ventricular repolarization). Each of these waves represents different electrical activity of the heart during a cardiac cycle.

What is the correct order of ECG waves?

P wave - represents atrial depolarization (contraction) QRS complex - ventricular depolarization T wave - ventricular repolarization (relaxation) atrial repolarization is "buried" within the QRS Complex

What part of the ECG tracing represents the time from the start of the atrial activity to the start of ventricular activity?

QT interval

What are the three characteristic waves a normal ecg has?

A normal ECG consists of three characteristic waves: the P wave, representing atrial depolarization; the QRS complex, representing ventricular depolarization; and the T wave, representing ventricular repolarization. These waves reflect the electrical activity of the heart during a cardiac cycle.

What is QRS in ECG?

The QRS complex on an ECG represents ventricular depolarisation. This wave should have the greatest amplitude.

What part of the ECG records atrial contraction?

ECG records electrical activity and not mechanical, hence it has nothing to do with contraction. But P wave represents atrial depolarization.

What are the three types of deflection waves seen in a typical ECG?

The three types of deflection waves seen in a typical ECG are the P wave (atrial depolarization), the QRS complex (ventricular depolarization), and the T wave (ventricular repolarization). They represent the different electrical activities of the heart during each phase of the cardiac cycle.

What does a segment of an ECG tracing indicate?

P waves represent the atrial depolarization. QRS complex represent the ventricular depolarization. T waves represent the ventricular repolarization.

What wave comes after the t wave of an ECG?

The next wave after the T wave in an ECG is the P wave, which represents atrial depolarization.

Describe the shape of an ECG trace?

An ECG trace typically shows a series of waveforms - P wave (atrial depolarization), QRS complex (ventricular depolarization), and T wave (ventricular repolarization) - on a graph with time plotted on the x-axis and voltage on the y-axis. The shape can vary depending on the heart's rhythm and any abnormalities present.