

Semen is a mixture of

Updated: 11/13/2022
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13y ago

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Semen contains semen, amino acids, sugars, enzymes, hormones, vitamins, and mucous.

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Why is a semen a cell?

Semen is a mixture of fluids and sperm cells.

Is sperm a mixture or substance?

sperm is a substance. Semen is a mixture.

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What is the mixture of sperm cells and other fluids that are ejected from the penis called?

It is called the semen. It contains sperms etc

What are involve in semen production?

Semen is actually a mixture of secretions from seminal vesicles, prostate gland and Cowper's gland.

What is the sperm in the urethra mixed with?

Semen is a mixture of water salt and the DNA submerged in water

What is the name of the fluid produced by the male which sperm swim in?

Semen is the term for the mixture of fluid and sperm

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A delicate mixture of anal seepage, period blood and semen.

What does it mean if you only ejaculate semen?

It mean that you have Ejaculated the mixture of sperms and secretion of seminal vesicles.During a sexual intercourse your penis shoots out a white substance that is semen.

What is a semen?

Semen is the liquid that contains spermatozoid. It is also call spem. Sperm is produce by most male living beings. Semen is a mixture of sperm cells and fluids released by men during sexual activity.

How do I turn myself into a horse?

you create a mixture of horse manure and your semen and mix it with chemichals such as magnesium and sodium chloryite. Yeah but what if you're a girl? You don't have semen now do you?

Where does santorum come from?

It comes from a byproduct or mixture of lube, feces, semen, sweat, saliva etc.