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False..i believe

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Q: Sense receptors are evenly distributed throughout the surface of the body?
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What type of mixture are substances evenly distributed throughout the mixture?

A homogeneous mixture has substances evenly distributed throughout, such as a solution where solute particles are uniformly mixed in a solvent.

The point at which a substance becomes evenly distributed throughout the solution and the concentration gradient disappears is called what?

The point at which a substance becomes evenly distributed throughout the solution is called equilibrium.

What is evenly distributed uniform mixture called?

An evenly distributed uniform mixture is called a homogeneous mixture. This means that the components of the mixture are spread evenly throughout, resulting in a consistent composition.

How natural resources distributed throughout the world?

Natural Resources are distributed evenly among all nations

What type of food is homogenous?

Food that is homogeneous evenly distributed throughout. One example of this is bread, where the flour is evenly distributed. Flour is bolted in the processing to make it uniform.

What describes substances that are evenly distributed throughout a substance and cannot be differentiated?


If components of a mixture are in molecule or ion form and are evenly distributed throughout the mixture is?

A solution.

A mixture in which substances are evenly distributed throughout the mixture?

homogenous mixturesolution