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starting from the Veins

Vein (unoxygenated) (e.g Inferior Vena cava) > right atrium > right ventricle > Pulmonary truck > Pulmonary Arterys > Lungs (to become oxygenated) > Pulmonary Veins (now oxygenated) > left Atrium > left ventricle > aorta > to the arteries in the body > arterioles > capillaries > venules > veins (where the oxygen is again replaced by coz and is thus unoxygenated)

(the cycle repeats itself)

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14y ago

From the superior and inferior venae cavae, blood flows into the right atrium of the heart, it passes through the bicuspid valve, then the right ventricle which pumps it past the pulmonary semilunar valve and into the pulmonary trunk. From here it splits into the left and right pulmonary arteries which carry the blood to the left and right lungs, respectively.

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Q: Sequence of parts through which blood moves in passing from the venae cavae to the lungs?
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Blood returns to the heart from systemic circulation through the?

venae cavae

What is the sequence of valves in the pathway of blood from the venae cavae to the aorta is?

-tricuspid valve -pulmonary semilunar valve -mitral/bicuspid valve -aotic valve

What happens at the vena cavae?

The vena cavae collect blood from the systemic circulation. They deliver this deoxygenated blood to the right atrium.

What receives blood from the body?

Vena cavae

What is the blood vessel?

Venae cavae are the largest two.Aorta

What is the main vien in your body?

The main vein in the body is the Vena Cavae vein. The inferior vena cavae vein carries blood from the legs and stomach to the heart. The superior vena cavae carries blood from the arms and head to the right atrium of the heart.

Does veins take oxygen to the heart?

No, veins take deoxygenated blood back to the heart through the superior and inferior vena cavae.

What is the chamber that receives low oxygen blood to the heart.?

The right atrium of the heart receives low-oxygen blood from the body through the superior and inferior vena cavae.

What is the largest blood vessel?

Venae cavae are the largest two.Aorta

Where does the right atrium take the blood to?

The right atrium pumps the blood it receives from the body (through the superior and inferior vena cavae and the coronary sinus) to the right ventricle which then sends it to the lungs.

What enters heart though right atrium?

The right ventricle receives blood from the right atrium, and the right atrium receives blood from the pulmonary veins.This blood was already drained from the whole body to the vena cavae. So its from veins in the body to venae cavae, from venae cavae to pulmonary veins, from pulmonary veins to the right atrium, from the right atrium then to the right ventricle.

What is blood flow?

Blood enters the right atrium (RA) from the 2 great veins the Superior vena cavae and Inferior vena cavae (SVC and IVC).It then enters the right ventricle (RV) to be pumped at low pressure through the lungs.Oxygenated blood from the lungs returns to the left atrium (LA) and is pumped by the lef ventricle (LV) at hogh pressure through the various components of the systemic cirulation before returning again to the heart.