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Q: Settled by debtors Georgia Virginia or South Carolina?
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What southern state was settled by debtors?

Georgia was originally settled as a debtors' colony.

The people who settled Georgia were English .?


What colony did the debtors settle a?

In the thirteen colonies the debtors settled in Georgia.

How long after Carolina was settled did Oglethorpe found its next-door neighbor Georgia?

Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe in 1733, just 39 years after Carolina was first settled. Oglethorpe founded the colony of Georgia as a haven for debtors and the poor, and it grew rapidly in the following years.

True or false was Georgia settled primarily by debtors and former prisoners?


What colony was settled by people who had been in debtors prisons in England?

Georgia was the colony settled by people who had been in debtor's prisons in England.

Who settled Georgia?

the first people to settle in Georgia were native Americas they moved here from Russia during the last ice age. they were in search for food. so they migrated

Which colony was settled by James Oglethorpe for debtors and a military outpost against the Spanish?

Georgia. He wanted to empty Great Britain's debtor prisons and send the debtors to the colonies, specifically Georgia. Oglethorpe founded Georgia.

Who settled Georgia and what were the reasons circumstances of the first colonists who settled there?

James oglethorpe, he wanted to create a place for the debtors and poor. that way the jails in England wouldn't get to ful

Which colony was founded by English debtors?

Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe to be a home for Debtors. This was the only way the king would allow since he also viewed George as a buffer between the English and The Spanish in Florida.

Why did Oglethorpe's plan for Georgia?

Georgia settlers went to Carolina to have larger farms.

What was the first English colony to settle in 1607 for the purpose of economic reasons?

Debtors a group of people who owed money and settled Georgia to experience and new life and economic freedom