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Sexual dimorphism in humans is likely to stay relatively constant over time, as it is influenced by genetic factors and evolutionary history. However, various external factors such as changing societal norms and cultural practices could impact the expression of sexual dimorphism in different populations.

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Q: Sexual dimorphism in humans will change or stay the same over time?
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What is over sexing?

Over sexing refers to engaging in sexual activity to an excessive or extreme degree. This can lead to physical and emotional consequences, such as fatigue, decreased libido, or relationship issues. It is important to maintain a healthy balance in sexual activities.

Define and describe the practice of developmental psychology?

Developmental psychology is the scientific study of how and why humans change over the course of their life. It focuses on physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development from infancy to old age. Developmental psychologists aim to understand the processes and factors that influence growth and change across different stages of life.

What is good sentence for sway over me?

Her persuasive arguments had a powerful sway over me, leading me to change my perspective on the issue.

What does stable satisfaction of sex drive mean?

Stable satisfaction of the sex drive refers to consistently meeting one's sexual needs and desires in a fulfilling and healthy manner over time. This can involve having a positive relationship with one's sexuality, being able to communicate effectively with partners, and finding ways to maintain sexual well-being. It indicates a sense of balance and contentment in one's sexual experiences.

What is an example of quantitative change in development?

An example of quantitative change in development is a child growing taller over time. This change is easily measurable and can be quantified by tracking the child's height at different ages.

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What is reverse sexual dimorphism?

Reverse sexual dimorphism is the tendency for certain bird species to reverse the normal trend for the male to be larger than the female. It is particularly found in birds of prey, for example the peregrine falcon whose adult male weighs in at around 660g whereas the female is over 1kg. The physical size differential is also very obvious, the two birds looking almost like different species.

What theories explain the evolution of gender and development?

First, it should be noted that the development of gender (sexual dimorphism) is a subject separate from that of the evolution of sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction had already existed for a long time when the first sexually dimorphic species evolved. Sexual dimorphism, gender, is the situation wherein there exist distinct roles in the reproductive cycle, and morphologies associated with each role have diverged. One way that sexual dimorphism could have evolved is through the difference in size an number between male and female gametes. Males are typically able to produce gametes in prodigious numbers, while females usually produce far fewer and larger gametes. This makes males more redundant, in some cases leading to male competition over females, while females may have the "luxury" of "picking and choosing" from the redundantly available males. A difference in gender roles and associated morphology may follow from this. This is one way for gender and sexual dimorphism to evolve, but not the only way.

What causes continuous variation in humans?

There is variation among humans because of sexual reproduction, crossing over, assortment, and mutations.

How do you tell if a pacu fish is male or female?

There are several species known colloquially as Pacu fish. They are all related to and larger than the Pirahna. They get VERY BIG. Over a metre and weighing in at over 60lbs. To the best of my knowledge there is no sexual dimorphism in aquarium specimens. I would assume that in adult fish the female is the one that lays the eggs.

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Technology changes. Individual and collective needs change.

Do jaguars change over the year?

yes, they get older just like humans

What genetic processes allow a species to change over time?

Mutations and the genetic shuffling that occurs with sexual reproduction

When a dogs rolls over will it change the weather?

No. Dogs can tell what the weather will be before humans can, though.

Why is selective breeding by humans of plants and animals evidence of evolution?

* Because it shows that species can change over time

What do humans do that directly harm coral reefs?

climate change over fishing use of dynamite use of poisions

Why do humans reproduce sexually?

Asexual reproduction is only done by cells, plants, and a few protozoa. Sexual reproduction is the only choice humans have and it has quite a few advantages over asexual reproduction. It results in more variation and is more fun.

Can only humans change a habitat?

Over time really any human or animal i guess could change habitat, you'd just need to adapt really. :)