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Q: Sharp-edged irregularly shaped sediment particles found at the base of a rock cliff were probably transported by?
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It's mined. And probably refined. And then transported Cheers

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no idea its probably transported by trucks, planes or boat. Its probably by plane or truck. Unless they want to transport it somewhere faraway, they`d probably have to use numerous transportation's.

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What is the Rock Cycle at Yosemite?

At Yosemite, igneous rocks (granite) are being weathered and eroded. As the rock particles become smaller and smaller and are transported to a basin or point of deposition, they may eventually lithify into sedimentary rocks, probably shale.

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1. Probably heating.

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it depends on what type of cream. when i was in Cornwall they were bringing Rodda's clotted cream round in ice cream tubs. double cream is probably transported in a big cup or plastic box

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Erosion, probably.

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Scientifically speaking, the ice is probably melting because of the particles in the air/water/wherever the ice is. The particles in the air speed up the particles in the ice causing it to melt.

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I am pretty sure the particles are always moving, I know they move fast and thus they probably don't stop

Why are nuclear fuel rods transported by trains?

Probably because they are produced in one place, and need to be used at another place.

What is true about an object whose particles have a high average kinetic?

it is probably a gas

Explain how the minerals in a piece of granite become part of a sedimentary rock?

If the granite becomes exposed to the surface, it will weather. This means that the granite will be broken into successively smaller and smaller pieces. At some point, the particles are transported via wind or water to a place of deposition such as a large body of water. These particles, known as sediment, are eventually compacted by the weight of additional sediments, and undergo a process of lithification where water and air is squeezed out and replaced by a cementing mineral. The sediments of granite particles have now become a sedimentary rock, probably shale, sandstone, breccia, or conglomerate.