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Dehydration would be a good explination. If the pain continues, medical attention should be sought.

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Q: Sharp pain on your right side waist area It is not constant but it feels like you are being stabbed Does anybody have any idea what this could be?
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What is the fear of being stabbed?

the fear of being stabbed is Sabresmittenophobia

What are the health and safety issues connected with using sharp tools in art?

Whether connected with art or any other activity, the health and safety issues connected with using sharp tools relate topreventing yourself or others from being cut or stabbed,minimizing the damage if you are cut or stabbed,preventing the injection of toxic materials if you are cut or stabbed, andensuring the ready availability of first aid equipment and a means of calling an ambulance.

What is it like being stabbed?

It hurts. Depends on what you are being stabbed by. Really, imagine a dagger going through a can of oil.

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No, Sally Hemings did not die from being stabbed. She lived to the age of 62 and died from natural causes.

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he was being stabbed to death

Can you break your ribs from being stabbed?

Yes, you can.

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being stabbed

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JT died from being stabbed in the back. :(

Has someone ever dies from being stabbed by a banana?

No you dingus

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How can you tell if you are being back stabbed?

You can tell if people are sneaking around or are being shady or act different