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Q: Sharp pains and heartburn common in early pregnancy?
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How early in a pregnancy do you get heartburn?

It depends on you i never got it.

Are sharp pains in stomach common in early pregnancy?

no because I've got sharp pains but I'm only 10

Heartburn in early pregnancy?

Heartburn is normal during the time of pregnancy. It is not necessary that everyone will experience heartburn during pregnancy. It totally depends on the diet that you are following and how you are sleeping. In order to avoid heartburn during pregnancy you must make some changes in your food eating habits and use the pregnancy pillow kit that will help you to get better sleep without making any kind of discomfort for the pregnant ladies.You can also order one for you from Maternity Pillow Reviews.

Do you have to pee alot early in pregnancy?

Frequent urination is a common symptom of early pregnancy. However, not all women will experience it.

Is very extreme heartburn an early sign of pregnancy?

It can be, yes. An old wives' tale says that you have heartburn only if your baby has a full head of hair. Oddly enough, my son was born with a full head of hair and I suffered from heartburn the entire pregnancy. But, like my Dad has said before, even an idiot is right 50% of the time, so who knows?

Are sharp lower right abdomen pains normal in a early pregnancy?

You should consult your doctor it might be perfectly normal or could be a problem indicating eptopic pregnancy

Can cold sweats be sign of early pregnancy?

One of the most common causes of Night sweats during early pregnancy (first trimester) is the hormonal changes related to pregnancy. But cold sweats are not typically a sign of pregnancy.

Is gas heartburn diarrhea and mild cramping signs of early pregnancy?

No, this would be due to some other problem.

Is getting more acne during early pregnancy common?

no 2 pregnancy are the same there is no solid answer for this question. you may get it you might not. good luck

What are the most common signs of early pregnancy?

Some early common signs of pregnancy include foods tasting different (often with a metal-like tinge); and increased soreness in breasts. Pregnancy tests can be obtained at local grocery or pharmacy stores without visiting a doctor.

Is spotting greenish common in early pregnancy?

No, but vaginal infections are. You need to see your doctor.

Is it common to have 2 or 3 episodes of spotting early in pregnancy?

yes that can be very normal