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although it is a matter of opinion i think that no ,If a kid hits another kid they threw the first punch the other child that was was the intentional victim has the right to defend himself. My daughter (14)was punched in the eye on her school bus and she turned around and kicked the butt of the boy who threw the punches.

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Q: Sholuld your child get punished if they retaliate in a fight in school?
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No! Not ditching school is the child's judgment, and prosecuting the parent of the child has absolutely no effect on the child. If the child is going to skip school, the child should be punished.

Should the parents of children who don't go to school be punished?

No. Neither should the kids.AnswerA child who is enrolled in school needs to show up and be present. Besides the obvious, that seat costs money and the school is allocating money to be spent on that child. The parent should be punished, or fined, if the child is still enrolled and is not showing up. School districts have done this and it is effective. Many times the parents were not aware since the kids got the mail before them, answered the calls from the school and so on.Parents have to get their children to school or unenroll them and do something else. These days, there are plenty of options. If you are the parent and your child is not cooperating, then you need to reset your expectations. Do not let the child stay home, sleeping all day and playing all night! This is not normal behavior and will delay their getting out on their own and being self sufficient.

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When doing a home study, a case worker will want yo talk to the child and adults seperately and together. They will ask the child things like, their name, age, and things like that. Then they'll ask them if tehy ever get punished, if so how? How long do they stay punished? Are they allowed to use the bathroom and get drinks when they are punished? What type of grades do they get in school? Do they like school? Who are their heros? Things like that. They will do a separate evaluation to the parents. Some of the same questions, some not. They will get the child and adults together and pay close attention on the reaction of the child's answers, his facial expression, and so on. They will watch the adults very closely too.

How where the children punished?

Sometimes children would get punished by the father holding his child over a fire (that is burning peppers) from a distance and forcing them to breath in the stinging fumes while lecturing his child about his behavior.

Why are kids punished?

kids are punished usually when they have done something wrong. The adult feels it cannot be expressed in words and they take something away from the child. the child will more likely learn their lesson that way. Children are punished as a form of discipline; if a child does something wrong, then they need to be punished so that they learn for next time that they shouldn't do it. Most of the time, a child doesn't realise that what they are doing is dangerous/unsafe, and needs to be taught a lesson that you shouldn't do it. Remembering that they'll get punished if they do something wrong makes kids decide against doing it again.

What will happen if children are not punished when doing something wrong?

It depends on the child, if he/she is not punished/nothing is said about the "wrong" thing, the child will continue doing this.

Should you give your child a nude spank?

I am a firm believer of spanking, look at kids nowadays. Our children now are the result of not being punished correctly for their actions. They say spanking is "abusing". So for you to spank your child, be prepared for welfare to come in and investigate if your child goes to school and tells on you. A nude spank? No.

If a child is 18 or older should the parents be blamed?

If the child is 18 and is being abused - yes. In any case domestic violence will be punished whether or not the child is a minor.

How can society put a stop to children being punished at school for what they say or do online at home under their parents' authority?

I don't know about ''society'', but I know how I would handle it. If my child did anything at home which I approved of, there is no way I would allow anyone at my child's school to punish my child for it. Of course, I would never allow my child to do anything online that was inappropriate. But even if I did, it's not the school's business what a child does while not on school property, unless the child is posting cruel, hurtful, or untrue things about another student or teacher. So for children who are doing nothing inappropriate, yet are still being punished at school for it, the best thing to do is to talk to the one punishing them (teacher, principal, etc.). And if you aren't able to come to an agreement with them, then you need to talk to the school board members about it. You can also get other parents involved, and can even contact your local tv news station and news papers. But before you do anything, you need to first make sure the child is not doing anything which can cause emotional harm to someone else, such as cyberbullying. If the child is involved in something like that, you need to put a stop to it yourself, and not let the child continue that behavior. Cyberbullying has become one of the main causes of child/teen suicide in the US.

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Depending on the age of the child, the parents could be charged with neglect. Additionally, the child could be taken by social services, put into foster care, or even sent to juvenile (depending on the situation) where they would be forced to go to school. So, in a nutshell, parents CAN be held responsible for the actions of their kids.

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Your child does have the right not to be punished by you for something the father is not doing.

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The witness might be punished for perjury, altho I doubt it.