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Q: Short paragraph on your aim in life and you would achieve it?
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What is a TAG in a introduction paragraph?

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How do you write a paragraph about the hazards of city life?

A paragraph on The Hazards of City Life can include the advantages and disadvantages to big city living. You can also compare city life to rural life.

Paragraph about village life?

simply by thinking it

How do you write paragraph about the contribution of the computer in our life?

WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information. Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? How have computers impacted your life? What would your life be like if you did not have a computer? If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

How would my life be different if Harriet Tubman did not achieve her goals?

There would be no railroad track there could still be slaves

Which kind of paragraph would you use if you wanted to add special emphasis to a point?

Then why a life pf suffering and why an existence that led to the hard bed of the cross? why the shedding of the last blood? for something like the same reason that there are more birds than necessary for a seashore. love that is real loves even to the point of sacrifice, in fact loves even to the end, which is the giving of one's own life. Christ loves to the extent, for greater love than this man hath that he lay don his life for his friend.

What would life be like for an English peasant in 1066?

Hard and short

How does Thoreau defend his approach in the second paragraph of economy in Walden?

In the second paragraph of "Economy" in Walden, Thoreau defends his approach by asserting that he did not want to a lead a life governed by the pursuit of material possessions and superficial desires, but instead aimed to simplify his life and focus on the essential aspects of existence. He believed that by doing so, he could achieve a richer and more fulfilling life, closer to nature and the truth of his own being.

What is the meaning behind graduation evening by elizabeth brewster?

Life is not easy- it is a war out there. You don't have all the time to achieve your goal. Life is short and hard therefore you must make the most out of it and conquer it.

How would life be inside a jar?

You would suffocate and die, so in one word, short.