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Q: Should California's three strikes law be overturned?
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Related questions

Three-strikes laws are representative of?

Three strikes laws are representative of baseball. In baseball, three strikes and you're out; in the law, three felonies may get you life in prison.

How many strikes in fastpitch?

There are three strikes in Fastpitch softball.

Were there any strikes in 1912?

* Yes, it was name 'The Three Strikes Your Out Law'.

3 S and YO?

Three Strikes and You're Out.

What is three consecutive strikes in the game of bowling called?

The term for three strikes in a row is called a three bager.for fun bowling a turkey.

Why do 3 strikes make an inning over in baseball?

It doesn't. Three strikes is an out, and there are three outs in an inning per team.

Does West Virginia have the 3 strikes you out law?

West Virginia is one of the 28 states in the United States that has the three strikes and you are out law. If you are convicted of three separate felonies, you can be sent to jail for life.

When would the batter be out?

After three strikes.

Does AL has the three strikes law?

No they do not.

Can you get a three strikes conviction if your three charges are in three different states?

The short answer to this question is yes, however, a majority of three strikes issues are dependent upon individual states' statutes.

What does three strikes scenario mean?

"Three strikes" is a baseball reference ( "Three strikes and you're out"). It means that the punishment for a third offense will be considerably harsher than for a first or second. A scenario - in this context - means a discussion of possible situations and probable outcomes.

Can you get three strikes on the tenth frame?