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Homemade shouldn't say I believe in spirits, but say I believe in God. God is spirit. He is also man. We are like Him, but we are imperfect. He is perfection. He is good. We too have a spirit. Know this, that spirits never die. The body does, but the spirit lives on, until the second death.WORKERS. now ANGELS are gods workers.


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Q: Should Christians believe in spirits or not?
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Do Christians believe in ghosts?

YES Christians believe in the existence of evil spirits, which is what they believe ghosts are. Christians do not believe a ghost is a dead person haunting humans or places on earth. There are also many different types of christians with different beliefs so your answer will vary.

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Can you believe in ghost and spirits and not believe in God?

As a person who neither believes in ghosts and spirits nor God, I can still see it as a rational possibility to believe in ghosts and spirits but not God - just as it is rationally possible to believe in God but not ghosts and perhaps not even spirits. It is also possible to believe in ghosts and spirits as well as other gods, but not the abrahamic God. It is up to you what you believe, as long as you can rationalise your own beliefs and do no harm to others. Yes, you can believe in Ghosts (or spirits) and not of god. I have had experienced with Ghost [Energy] but not of a god.

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