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It depends on your game-play preferences. Dark elves are a more specialized race than the Imperial, and have many skills such as fire resistance, and their power to cloak themselves in fire. They're skills are also more specialized. Imperials are more an all-rounder race for the player who wants to be able to do many things to a competent level. Its all to do with your opinion.

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Argonians have a 50% resistance to disease, can use "Power of the Hist" once a day to recover health 60% faster for a while, do 1.5 times more damage with fists and are unable to drown.

Dark Elves have a 50% resistance to fire, can use "Ancestor's Wrath" once a day to give enemies that are too close 8 points of fire damage per second for a while and start with the spell "Sparks".

Both are considered good warriors and assassins/thieves but a Dark Elf may be better at magic than an Argonian. I guess it would a matter of preference.

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Q: Should I be an Argonian or a Dark Elf in Skyrim?
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There are not many, but there are some. The court wizard of Riften, Wylandriah, is a Bosmer. Laila Law-Giver in Riften has a Bosmer steward called Anuriel.

Is the dark elf good in oblivion?

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What races can you be in oblivion Skyrim?

In Oblivion, the playable races are: Humans - Imperials, Bretons, Redguards, Nords, Elves - Dark Elf (Dunmer), Wood Elf (Bosmer), High Elf (Altmer), Orcs, Khajiit (cat people), Argonians (lizard men). Non playable races include Sheogorath(his own race), dremora, daedra, and a lot more. In Skyrim, you can play the same races as you could in Oblivion.

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Normal ones for the playable and the people you meet in the town (Imperial, Redguard, Nord, Breton, High Elf, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Khajiit, Argonian and Orc), but there is also Sheogorath, who is a Daedric price, Aureals or Golden Saints (The guards of Mania) and Mazken or Dark Seducers (The guards of Dementia). There are also other beasts, which are Hungers (Even though they had it in the regular Morrowind), Grummites, Scalons, Flesh Atronaches, Baliwogs and Skinned Hounds.

A type of elf?

Small!Dark ElfLight ElfWelfRiver Elf --- MorganBurrowing Elf -- DroversForest Elf --- several types

How many races are in the game Skyrim?

There are no new playable races. The creators are trying to keep the lore of the game the same throughout, for continuity, which will allow the Elder Scrolls series to prosper well beyond the average game "shelf life".The main races in the game are:ArgonianAltmer (High Elf)Bosmer (Wood Elf)BretonDunmer (Dark Elf)Dwemer (unplayable)Falmer (unplayable)ImperialKhajiitNordOrismer (Orc)RedguardSnow Elf (unplayable)Two other sub-races are Vampires and Werewolves, but these are optionally applied to the player, if they wish, later in the game. If you have the Dragonborn DLC, the Werebear race is added, but you cannot play as this. Any of the main races ambove can be either a vampire, werewolf or werebear.However, the modding community has created mods for the game that add different playable races in the game. Or allow you to play as a race which is originally unplayable, such as Snow Elf. You can find these mods, for the PC version of the game, in the official Skyrim modding community.

What is the best character to pick in Skyrim?

if your trying to be a thief i would recommend an Argonian or a Khajiit. Bretons and Altmer(High elves) make good mages. Orcs, Nords, and Redguard make good warriors. Bosmer(Wood elves) make good archers. For mixed classes, Imperials make good battle-mages and Dunmer(Dark elves) make good nightblades(Mage assassins). It really doesn't matter too much because there really aren't too many differences between the races outside of looks.