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The pain you are experiencing may or may not be normal, and the causes for your pain varies, I suggest seeing a doctor about your pain and seek a proper diagnosis for your problem.

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Q: Should I be worried about pain in my left leg?
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What could cause Left side abdominal pain with pain down left leg left leg feels asleep down to foot What in the world could this be?

could be a slipped disk pressing on the nerve. I didn't have abdominal pain but pain in arm and leg

What are the symptoms and signs of left leg pain.?

You can go to and get the signs and treatment of leg pain. The site gives great information as to what may have caused the pain and how to treat it. There is also a section that tells you when you should see a doctor.

What does lower left abdominal pain and pain in one leg mean?

Pain in one leg with left lower abd pain could mean a few things such as bowel obsruction and as far as the leg goes, sciatic nerve pain. Possibly. I'm a nurse not a doctor.


hell yeah......

Should you be worried about leg pain in first trimester mostly comes at night it's not cramps its when you walk?

it is usually happens when you have pulled a muscle in your leg it may take a few weeks to ease but if it goes on longer you should see a doctor. hope that helps bethanie

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Left leg use.... I think.

You have been having a lot of pain in your right leg from your hips to your toes should you be worried?

Get checked for a possible blood clot as soon as you can, just in case, and until you do don't massage the area.

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you need to go to the doctor. and to avoid the pain in the future, use condoms.

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Dreams about losing a limb can symbolize feelings of insecurity, loss of control, or fear of losing independence. It may reflect a fear of being limited in some way or a need to address issues concerning your physical or emotional well-being. Consider exploring these feelings further to gain insight into what might be bothering you in your waking life.

You have very bad backache the pain runs down my left leg into my foot will taking arthrotec help?

You should go see a doctor, first. Many times orthotics can help leg and back pain, but the cause could lie elsewhere.