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If your child has shown an interest in summer camp then I would suggest you find one appropriate for their needs. There are many camps to help children with social issues, etc.

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Q: Should I send my young child to a summer camp?
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Is there a summer camp for 6 years old in Liverpool NY?

You should check at the school that the child goes to and see if there is a summer camp there and usually there should be a community camp.

Are summer camps ncessary for the alround development of a child?

Summer camp is an option, but a child can learn alot.

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As a young child in the early 60's, day camp - going to a forest preserve then roller skating, swimming. Summer camp at Robbin's Lodge. Does anyone know where that camp was?

How to Prepare Your Child for Day Camps?

Day camps are a way for young children to enjoy meeting other people and having a fun time doing numerous activities during the day. Parents know that a day camp will benefit them both. Parents have to work in the summer and children are out of school. Day camp is like a daily babysitting facility, but parents should still know how to ready their child for a new experience. 1. Explain to your young child about day camp. Tell them how long they will spend their time there and what activities they might do. For young parents who are sending a child to day camp for the first time, it may be a difficult experience. A lot of that has to do with trust and knowing that their child will be okay. Forget about your own fears and try to encourage your child to agree to day camp. 2. Prepare meals for your child. Day care facilities offer snack times and maybe a small lunch, but they should have their own meals prepared before they arrive. Parents should make their child a healthy, filling meal that they will enjoy during lunch. A day camp facility is not like summer camp. Some of the accommodations have to be provided by the parents. 3. Set up the right schedule and the best place to take your child to. A bad day camp facility can be dangerous, and it may make your child angry. Do what you can to make sure that a day camp will provide all the safety and needs that it can. After you figure out which day camp to send your child to, figure out the appropriate schedule. Since day camp ends in the evening, work out a schedule where you can pick your child up and not leave them at day camp. Responsibility from the parents is very important in this situation. There is no need to cause problems in what should be a stress-free environment. Day camp should be all about having fun. No child should be taken to day camp by force. Day camps should be encouraged and children should be prepared before they enter it.

Name a complain that a child who tell about summer camp?

the food

Getting Ready for Summer Camp?

Getting Ready for Summer CampGoing to summer camp is a fun experience for children. There are a few important things you need to learn about camps before sending your child away for the summer.Research how long the camp has been in business. If the child's friends are going to the camp, then your child will be more likely to have a better time.Find a camp that caters to your child's age group. The activities should be age appropriate, and the leaders should be knowledgeable about the children they work with.Find out some of the organizations and sponsors that the camp has. Ask local childcare centers what camp they would recommend, and then call the camp to get more information.Talk to your child to find out how long they want to stay at camp, and what kind of camp they want to go to. If the child is not happy, they may want to come home while they are gone.Don't force your child to go to camp. When they can spend the night with a friend without wanting to come home, they will probably be able to handle spending a week at camp. If they are unable to stay overnight at a camp, there are also day camps available that provide children with a similar experience.

Should summer school training be capitalized?

No, "summer school training" should not be capitalized unless it is part of a title or a proper noun.

What are girls summer camp suggestions?

You should try asking friends. A good summer camp, if you live in California, is Camp Hide. Camp Beasley in Nevada is also a good camp. If your daughter is creative she should try Camp Beasley.

Is there mass at tomahawk summer camp?

There should be if it's a Roman Catholic camp.

What can my child learn at summer camp?

Your child can learn several things at summer camp such as swimming, archery, fishing, how to build a camp fire, how to tie several types of knots, etc. Plus they will learn how to get along with people from several different nationalities as well.

Was young life summer camp worth the money?

That depends on the individual experience.

Is a dance summer camp good for teens?

If your child is interested in dance or becoming a dancer, dance camp is a great idea. This is a great way for your child to burn off some steam during the long summer days.