

Should India go ahead wth nuclear test?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Should India go ahead wth nuclear test?
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Why did India conduct its first nuclear test?

India conducted its first nuclear test in 1974 to demonstrate its ability to develop nuclear weapons technology. The test, known as "Smiling Buddha," was considered a strategic move to establish India's nuclear deterrence capabilities in the region.

Where was India's first nuclear bomb exploded?

India's first nuclear test on May 18, 1974, described by the Indian government as a "peaceful nuclear explosion." The first Nuclear Test in India was cnducted on 18 May , 1974 at Pokhran.

When did India test it's first nuclear weapon?

India conducted its first nuclear detonation, described by India as a "peaceful nuclear explosion," on May 18 1974.

What was the code name of India's the first nuclear weapon test?

"Smiling Buddha" was the code name of India's the first nuclear weapon test conducted on May 18, 1974.

Where was first nuclear test conducted by India? 1974

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Women who are pregnant should not have this test.

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Should India go ahead with nuclear tests?

India is a growing economy. So for a growing economy energy is the most important thing. My personal view is India must do more nuclear test but not in next 5/6 years. We have just signed the nuclear deal. So we need all the technology for our civilian nuclear program which was denied to us. The world economy is in recession and we are facing the worst drought in 30 odd years. So the time is not right. India has no ambition of pilling up nuclear arsenal. We want to have a minimum nuclear deterrent which will make our neighbors think 100 times before attacking us. I do believe we have a minimum nuclear deterrent. So once we are in a great economic position and we have all the technology for our civilian nuclear energy program we can go for a testing. We have not signed the CTBT. So testing is not a problem for us. Nuclear testing will bring with it a lot of sanctions. But I have no doubt like 1998 we can face the sanctions. But we need to carefully calculate the timing of our test

Does India have Nuclear Weapons?

Yes, India is known to possess nuclear weapons. The country conducted its first nuclear tests in 1974 and again in 1998, making it a nuclear-armed state. India has a declared policy of credible minimum deterrence.

When Did India get Nuclear weapons?

India conducted its first nuclear weapons test, codenamed "Smiling Buddha," on May 18, 1974. This made India the first country outside of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to possess nuclear weapons.

When India became nuclear power?

India conducted its first successful nuclear test in 1974, known as "Smiling Buddha." It was considered a peaceful nuclear explosion for energy purposes. India conducted further nuclear tests in 1998, officially declaring itself a nuclear-armed state.

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