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Absolutely! Experience over the years proved Nuclear Power Stations to emit less radio active materials into our environment on a normal day than a Thermal, coal burning, station.

As long as we can trust that these stations will be manned by the right competent personnel, it's a great sustainable idea for the future.

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Q: Should South Africa be investing in Nuclear Power Stations?
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Should nuclear power stations be built?

No. Nuclear power should be encouraged. However, there have to be limits and controls because it is not appropriate for nuclear proliferation to continue.

Should you have nuclear power stations?

yes because you need energy to live and the scients couldn't find any other waysinsted f the nuclear power station

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So long as they are built to the highest standards and operated by well trained staff, I see no reason why not.

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no because they should find different ways to suply power no because they should find different ways to suply power

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It has already been done. South Africa dismantled its 6 nuclear weapons in 1991.

Should people build more nuclear power stations in the UK?

Yes, because nuclear power stations induce energy from a nucleus. That nucleus being from the most common element called Uranium. Unlike power plants that burn coal which is a fossil fuel which leads to globabl warming.... Nuclear power stations dont BURN anything. they just establish nucleuses in a 'chain reaction'. where more and more nucleuses mutate and doubles and doubles whilst giving out TONS of energy. nuclear is a clean process. But it is extremely expensive to build and it would take a long time to make the nuclear reactor and apparatus... they need to be patient. :)

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What are the disadvantages of the nuclear?

Some people are against Nuclear Energy, they say that we should not build more Nuclear Power Stations because we should spend more money in projects to save the environment. It is true that Nuclear Energy stations don't produce much energy, nevertheless the one produced is radioactive and very dangerous for several thousands of years. Placing this radioactive waste underground isn't right; due to a leaking it might contaminate the earth for future generations. Accidents are mainly caused by a human error, like the one in Chernobyl (Ukcrane). As a result, people died and might die.

Should you build nuclear power stations in the UK?

This is a matter of opinion. Currently I do not live in the UK. However, There are potentials and dangers of Nuclear Power. If there is a scarcity of electricity and the population trends are rising you may need to add some more power to your local grids.