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Yes. They haven't shown any responsibility for their actions by getting good grades and paying attention in classes. Why should they be trusted with a car that could kill someone or themselves? There is a great deal of responsibility that goes with driving.

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Q: Should Students failing there classes should there licence be revoked?
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Should students that fail a class get their license revoked?

I believe students who are failing a class should not have their license revoked because what if they are in AP classes or are just not good at that subject. My question is what do they have to do with each other? What if you pass your drivers test with no problem but your not good at biology or career passport? Should that mean you should be aloud to get your license?

Should drivers licenses be revoked because of failing grades?

Yes, students that are not passing their basic classes, the ones that will allow them to be a productive member of society and not on welfare, should be concentrating on school work, not on risky behavior that may end up killing innocent people.

If you accumulate too many points on your license it will be?

Yes, your licence can be revoked and you can be required to pass your test again in certain circumstances. Usually however you licence is revoked for a period.

How long before can you renewed the revoked licence in florida?


Is a revoked licence the same as being disqualified from driving?

Yes it is the same!

Would and 18 year old with a revoked driving license have to be covered on the family?

If your licence has been revoked - you are not allowed to drive - PERIOD !

Can someone with a revoked licence buy car insurance?

There are some companies that will write a policy if you have a suspended license as long as it is not permanently revoked.

What is the difference between a revoked license and a suspeneded license?

*Suspended means not aloud to drive on your licence for a certain reason until that reason is fixed (ex.unpaid tickets) or until the date that you were legally given. You technically still obtain a licence it is just suspended. *Revoked is having no licence whatso ever for a certain amount of time due to criminal charges or infractions against you. Being revoked you have no licence at all.

Can you insure your car on a revoked licence?

No. You must have a valid driver's license to insure your car.

Is a revoked licence the same as getting banned from driving?

Yes, exact same meaning.

What does it mean to have your drivers license revoked?

it means to get your licence taken away for a certain amount of time!!!

If a 17 year old already has their drivers license and drops out of school in Alabama will the license be revoked?

Yes, if a 17 year old has his driver's license, it can be revoked in Alabama if he quits school. He will need to enroll in a GED program or have extenuating circumstances in order to keep the license.