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yes because other bees could think that the hive is it's own

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Q: Should a bee hive be removed from a wall after the bees are killed?
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Related questions

Can or cannot bees within one hive comunicate with bees from another?

Bees in one hive typically do not communicate with bees from another since they usually will not allow bees from another hive to enter their own hive.

How many female bees in a hive?

All bees in a hive are female. The workers are sterile females. The only time there are males is in the spring when there is a new queen to be serviced.There are usually more than 1 million bees in a hive.

Who builds a bees hive?


Is it good omen if bees come and make hive in your house?

In few customs like Thai and Japanese it is considered to be a good omen. But, in few societies it is not considered as a good omen. For further reading visit the related links.

What is a escapement?

A bee escape is a panel with holes or mesh allowing bees to be removed from a hive before honey is harvested.

Why do bees kill other bees?

Bees kill other bees to protect the hive or to steal honey from other hives through a hole in the hive.


A hive is a home in which bees are kept.

Why are bees hive hexaonal?

A bee hive isn't hexagonal. The cells that bees make from wax inside a bee hive are hexagonal and the bees use these cells to raise young bees and to store honey and pollen.

What is collective noun for hive?

The noun 'hive' is a collective noun for a hive of bees and a hive of oysters.

What is the collective nouns for hive?

The noun 'hive' is a collective noun for a hive of bees and a hive of oysters.

Do bees move a natural hive?

A hive is an artificial home provided for honey bees by a beekeeper. Once bees are settled in the hive (or wild colony), they usually stay there and don't move.

What is a bee escape?

A bee escape is a panel with holes or mesh allowing bees to be removed from a hive before honey is harvested.