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Any time there's a claim which will be paid by the Insurance co, a deductible is paid by the insured.

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Q: Should a deductible be paid for husbands parked car that was hit by wifes car as she was backing up?
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If you hit a parked car and the damage is over your deductible how does that work?

If you hit a parked car, the deductible applies to your vehicle, not the parked car. The other vehicle is covered by your liability coverage and there is no deductible attached. You pay the deductible on the repairs to your vehicle, usually to the shop after the work is completed, the insurance company handles the balance directly.

If someone hits your parked car do you have to pay your deductible?


If a parked car opens their door as the parked car next to them is pulling away who is responsible legally?

The one backing out, because you should realize someone is opening a door.

If your parked car was hit and both parties have the same insurance company is there anyway to recover your deductible?

If your vehicle was parked you should not need to pay ANY deductible. If you were not found resonsible for the collision your expenses should be entirely paid by the at-fault driver. If necessary, you may need to take the other driver to small claims court.

If your car was hit while parked do you have to pay the deductible for the repair?

This would be dependent on the insurance you have. If you know who hit your car and have all of the pertinent information, you probably should not have to pay the deductible. If you don't know who hit your car, and your state and/or you do not have waiver of deductible insurance, then you would have to pay the deductible.

If a car is vandalized in a municipal lot should the city pay the deductible?

Most times the answer is no. Go to parking lot and there should be signs posted that they are NOT responsible for any vandalisim to your car while it is parked there. If there ARE NO signs, your in luck, and might be able to recover deductible.

Who's at fault when a car is parked - another goes around and the parked car - the parked car is put into reverse - and then backs into the moving vehicle?

The person who is backing out

If a car is parked in a red zone who is at fault?

the car backing up

When backing out of a driveway with a parked car directly opposite the driveway on a two lane road who is responsible if the car that is backing up hits the parked car?

The car in motion is ALWAYS at fault when it hits a stationary vehicle.

Who is at fault if a parked car backs out and hits you as you're driving past?

It is the fault of the person backing out. You have the right-of-way if you are driving in a usual and safe manor. The person who hit you should be cited for "backing without caution".

Who is at fault when you back into a car that is illegally parked?

Of course it is your fault. The fact that the car was illegally parked is of no consequence. You didn't look where you were backing or you would not have hit the parked car. Would you have hit this car if you had been looking? Perhaps the illegally parked car is a Mini Cooper, parked illegally 1 foot behind a Hummer and therefore not visable when the driver looks before backing up...

In the state of MA who is at fault if a driver backs into an illegally parked car?

The driver of the backing vehicle. The fact that the car was parked illegally is irrelevant. The onus is always on the driver of a moving vehicle to ensure the way is clear before backing up.