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No, a dentist shouldn't be cutting into the bone to put a crown on. You may have misunderstood what they were doing. If you are unsure of what was done ask that it be explained better to you. It may make more sense then. Or you may find out there was a mistake made and then you'll be able to decide what to do next.

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Q: Should a dentist cut into the bone to put a crown on a cracked tooth?
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What do you do if the crown falls out of your tooth with most of the tooth and the post?

go to a dentist

Could a capped tooth that is throbbing and painful to the touch but has no swelling be a tooth infection?

it could, the root canal treatment may have failed. ________________________________ Yes, this is possible and it sounds as though the tooth is infected or cracked. You should consult with your dentist. -Thornhill Dentist

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See a Dentist or Oral Surgeon as soon as possible and expect work to be done on your teeth.

What should you do if your dentist installed a crown that does not resemble or fit like the original tooth and you tell him and he insists it is your tooth?

I would probably say: Mr. (your dentist's name here), this crown really does not resemble or fit like my original tooth, and i know you insist it is, but can you please double check? If it is my tooth, please explain to me why it does not resemble or fit like my original tooth.

Dental crowns crackle sound with ice cream type foods?

When you visit a dentist for your crown or bridge, your dentist will "prepare" - remove your old crown, remove cavities of your tooth, etc. Then your dentist will take an impression of your "prepared" tooth and send it to a dental lab. The dental lab will then make your crown or bridge to replace your "prepared" tooth. Depending on the lab, your crown can be very good or not so good. When your dental crown crackles it is because of your crown is not prepared well. For more information about Dental crown visit

Should your dentist crown a painful tooth which has an old white filling without taking an x-ray or seeing if you need a root canal?


What do you do when your tooth cracked in the back and it cuts in to your tongue?

You can go to the dentist and have them fill in the crack or file the crack down.

After root canal tooth cracked what has to be done?

well.. it depends.. if the crack was in the crown.. then a prep is done then a fixed crown is placed.. but if the crack extended to the root.. then the tooth will be indecated for extraction.

If the Dentist says the tooth cracked because of grinding and not because of the filling he put in 2 weeks ago is this correct?

it is most likely the tooth had a small crack in it anyway. the tooth was alittle"high"from the new filling and the extra pressure from biting on it, cracked the tooth. usually after a new filling, you should go back to have the filling polished which strengthens the filling and adjusts the bite.

What layer of the tooth is superficial to the dentin?

I'm not a dentist, but I would say enamel

Does it hurt to have a tooth prepared for a crown?

Having a tooth prepared for a crown is a common dental procedure that is usually done to restore a damaged tooth. During the process, the dentist will remove some of the tooth's enamel to create a space for the dental crown near you to fit securely. Many people wonder if this process is painful or uncomfortable. The answer is that it can cause some discomfort, but it should not be painful. The dentist will numb the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic, so the patient should not feel any pain during the procedure. However, some people may feel some pressure or sensitivity as the dentist works on the tooth. After the procedure, the patient may experience some sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures or some soreness in the surrounding gums, but this should subside within a few days. In conclusion, having a tooth prepared for a crown may cause some discomfort during the procedure and some sensitivity afterwards, but it should not be painful. The dentist in Dearborn will take steps to ensure the patient is comfortable during the procedure, and any discomfort should be temporary.

Can you get dental cement from the drug store to glue a tooth in?

Dental cements are only sold to dentists. Dental cements have no adhesive properties, meaning that it is not glue. Dental cements are used to sabilize a crown or other restoration on a prepared tooth, not to "glue" them in. If you have cracked or chipped your tooth, it is best to see a dentist. There is a high probability of infection once the tooth has been damaged