

Should a funeral procession pull over to yield ambulance?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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of course... the dead guy i n the hearse is in no big hurry.

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Q: Should a funeral procession pull over to yield ambulance?
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What states is it a law to pull over for a funeral procession?

Short answer is... no. But don't cut across the procession.MICHIGAN VEHICLE CODE (EXCERPT)257.654 Vehicles forming part of funeral procession; right-of-way; flags; passing through funeral procession with vehicle as civil infraction.Sec. 654. (1) A motor vehicle forming part of a funeral procession, when going to a place of burial, shall have the right of way over all other vehicles except fire apparatus, ambulances, and police patrol vehicles at a street or highway intersection within this state if the vehicle in the funeral procession displays a flag which shall be fluorescent orange in color, and upon which shall be printed, stamped, or stained a black cross, the star of David, or the crescent and star. The lead vehicle and the last vehicle in the funeral procession may carry an additional flag. The flags shall not contain a name embossed or printed on the flag, except the word "funeral". (2) A person passing through a funeral procession of motor vehicles, designated pursuant to subsection (1), with a vehicle of any kind, is responsible for a civil infraction.

When you are driving and hear an ambulance siren?

yield to the emergency vehicle

How does one yield right of way to an Ambulance on an expressway?

As an EMT, I work on the ambulance a lot and I've seen many ways people try to get out of the way of an ambulance. On ANY road, when an emergency vehicle is coming, SLOW DOWN, or STOP and pull to the RIGHT. That is the correct way to yield right of way to an ambulance. This will help ambulance crews AA whole lot.

What is the word for when you have to pull over for an ambulance?

To YIELD or to give the right-of-way.

Is it unlawful not to yield the right of way to an ambulance?

Yes. You are required to yield to any emergency vehicle with active emergency indicators (flashing lights, sirens, etc).

Two lanes you pull out into 1st lane and ambulance pulls into your lane and you collide?

If the ambulance was using red lights and/or siren, you are obligated to yield the right-of-way. You are likely responsible for this collision.

Is improper lane change a moving violation?

Yes. Common forms of improper starts include failure to signal, failure to yield to others, proceeding in improper direction, driving on prohibited way (e.g., sidewalk), and excessive noise (squeeling tires), many of which may be separate violations. Other specialized starting violations include failure to yield to emergency vehicles or interrupting a funeral procession.

What is the verb or verb phrase in this sentence That car should yield the right of way?

should yield.

Does the postal service have the right of way above ambulance fire and police when they have their lights and sirens on?

No. ALL vehicles are supposed to yield the right of way to emergency vehicles.

What broker should I talk to about high yield?

You should contact your personal asset manager,who will best advise you on high yield bonds.

Why should a graph yield a straight line?

no change

Do you have to stop for an ambulance?

yes you do have to stop. you can get a ticket for not yeilding to an emergancy vehicle