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Q: Should a hot bath be taken with deep vein thrombosis?
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Thrombosis: Blood clot Sinus: A sack/avity in an organ or tissue deep sinus thrombosis: a deep bloodclot in a sinus...

What are the symptoms of a deep vein thrombosis?

Your red leg could be crucial blood clots. Blood clots are symptoms of deep vein thrombosis. Red, swollen, and warm legs are three of the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis. You should probably go to a doctor , and have it checked out.

what is a blood clot attached to the wall of a deep vein?

Deep Vein ThrombosisDeep vein thrombosis

What is the prognosis for deep vein thrombosis?

In many cases, deep vein thrombosis can be successfully treated if diagnosed early.

What is the Difference between venous thromboembolism and deep vein thrombosis?

The difference is that venous thrombosis refers to a blood clot that forms in a vein and deep vein thrombosis is a clot that forms in the deep veins of a leg.

How is deep vein thrombosis detected?

Deep vein thrombosis can be detected through venography and radionuclide venography, Doppler ultrasonography, and impedance plethysmography.

What can be prescribed for deep vain thrombosis?


Is there a vaccine for deep vein thrombosis?

No. There is no vaccine for DVT

What are the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis?

If you are concerned that you are having symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, the best thing to do would make an appointment with your doctor. They will be able to do tests to confirm.

Can you treat a client with deep vein thrombosis to stone massage?


What does the medical abbreviation dvt mean?

deep vein thrombosis

Why do women develop clots in their thighs?

deep vain thrombosis.