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As it stands today in the US, affirmative action policies are not a main point of discussion. There are several reasons why. One is that the programs did not work very well. The other is that, aside, from recessions, discrimination in hiring practices is rare and against the law. The topic is controversial.

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Q: Should affirmative action be based on class rather than race?
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Opponents of affirmative action have argued that the policy?

Opponents of affirmative action have argued that the policy actually promotes "revers" discrimination. This is because affirmative action favors people based on race instead of ability.

What is the affirmative action program?

it is to prosecute victims of hate crimes based on race or gender

Should Affirmative Action be eliminated?

Affirmative action, otherwise known as "reverse-discrimination", is a policy that effectively discriminates against certain groups for the benefit of other groups. The intent of such a policy is to "even the playing field." The actual result, however, is that less qualified individuals unfairly gain access to employment, education, groups, etc at the expense of more qualified individuals. But this does not even begin to address the true underpinnings of discrimination. The result of affirmative action, or discrimination, is that those in the "target" groups that affirmative action is supposed to help might obtain credentials that are then questioned (fairly or unfairly) but others who wonder if their success was a product of talent and hard-work or of government-sponsorsored discrimination - ie affirmative action. So, the result is that affirmative action actually LEADS to stereotyping, the underpinning of discrimination. Affirmative Action should absolutely be eliminated. Fairness is not unilateral - the only way to address problems of discrimination is by even-ing the playing field for all. Education and free markets are the solution.

Is affirmative action needed in the US?

This is a widely debated topic, so you may see conflicting answers below.Answer 1Yes. Affirmative Action allows individuals who would normally be underprivileged the access to the institutions that would fundamentally change their economic situation and break cycles of poverty. However, in my view, Affirmative Action should be economic-based, not race/ethnicity based.

WHO Was the first to propose that you might need affirmative action for men?

The first person to propose the concept of affirmative action for men was Warren Farrell, an American educator and author. In the early 1990s, Farrell suggested in his book "The Myth of Male Power" that men, too, could benefit from affirmative action policies to address disparities in areas such as education and employment. He argued that gender-based affirmative action could help men who faced discrimination or disadvantages in certain contexts.

Does Sarah palin support affirmative action?

Sarah Palin says, "I do not support Affirmative Action polices because they clearly give an unfair advantage to one individual at the expense of another, based strictly on the color of their skin or gender. It is foolish to attempt to correct the injustices of the past with injustices of the present."

HOW HAS affirmative action ACHIEVED IN SA?

Is when a a certain gender , race, nationality or religion group of people are excluded from jobs, housing or even living. E.g. Affirmative action in south Africa is were the government is giving priority jobs for Non-white people then for whites. It is a racist , and can be sexist and offensive to my people matering on the cercomstances.AnswerTrimming away the politically charged dialogue, affirmative action is simply an effort to offset certain perceived wrongs which may have been previously inflicted by society. This is accomplished by initiating programs that give preferences in hiring, scholastic placement, or other similar sorts of opportunities to those groups of individuals who have been deemed to have been wronged. Obviously, those on the receiving end of affirmative action programs see them as just, while those who lose opportunities they believe they deserve based on their achievements see affirmative action programs as unfair. Hope that helps.

What is the Republican view on affirmative action?

Republicans have traditional American values. they believe that people who are qualified for a job should get it. they believe it is wrong to hire someone just because of their skin color. they believe a person should earn a job based on merit and skill, not because of thier skin color and last name.

How does Obama feel about affirmative action?

He has sent mixed signals about it. On the one hand, he has said his own daughters do not deserve special preferences in admission to a college, and that he understands the resentment toward such preferences by whites who do not feel privileged (or who believe, rightly or wrongly, that minorities get benefits that they do not get). But on the other hand, he also has encouraged companies and schools to continue policies that promote diversity. He does not agree with quotas, but he does seem to feel there is still a need for Affirmative Action under some circumstances. He has expressed the belief that children should be judged by their ability to achieve and that if students work hard, that should be the way they move up. But he also has noted that the playing field is not level and that some minority students (as well as some impoverished white students) go to inferior schools and lack the educational background needed to get into a good college. Thus, he does not seem ready to end Affirmative Action, but seems to be seeking ways to include more people based on their social class, rather than just their race alone.

Based on the cases that followed, was the Bakke decision a complete win for supporters or for opponents of affirmative action Explain your reasoning, referring to at least one of the cases that followed?

26% of the total cases

Why should affirmative action be used?

Affirmative Action is the act of setting aside spots for minorities, or women to give the disadvantaged equal opportunities. One well known affirmative action case was Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978). It is a serious federal offense for any employer subject to EEO law to "set aside" jobs based on race. Congress prohibited that in the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Congress never enacted an Affirmative Action statute. AA is part of contracting regulations, and can NEVER trump or violate a statute. AA - if an employer volunteers to participate - requires three things: a written pledge not to violate the sex-blind, color blind EEO laws during the contract, an analysis of whether each of the employer's job families are significantly different in race or sex stats from the general workforce in which that employer recruits for that job family IF any job family is significantly different from what would be expected from race-blind, sex-blind recruiting, the employer proposes a plan for reducing the disparity without violating Title VII.

When filing a motion to dismiss can you assert an affirmative defense?

The majority of courts generally will not dismiss a complaint at the pleading stag based on affirmative defense, dismissal at this stage may be appropriate when the allegations in the complaint establish the defense.