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Coffee grounds are a source of nutrient helping to create a more acidic condition in the soil. You need to determine if the Fern is an acid loving plant

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Q: Should coffee grounds be used on ferns?
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Do used coffee grounds repel bears?

Coffee grounds can repel deer, but they do not work on bears.

Can old coffee be used for anything?

Yes. Used coffee grounds are being used for firelogs. A process of compacting and drying the used coffee grounds has been in place for several years. Used coffee grounds also make a good soil amendment and is a favourite food for worms in a vermifarm.

Can coffee grounds be used to fertilize plants?

Coffee grounds can be used as compost material, fertilizer, or mulch. So they can be applied to the surface, or mixed with the below ground soil. Compost used as fertilizer tends to be applied at the rate of 1/4 inch. Compost used as mulch tends to be mounded to a level of 2-3 inches. But in not any of the three cases should the compmost, fertilizer, or mulch be only of coffee grounds. For the grounds are acidic. So they can be used to slowly, slowly change the soil pH. And they can be sprinkled around such acidic soil lovers as azaleas, blueberries, and evergreens. They should not be sprinkled around alkaline soil lovers such as lupines.

Why would vomit look like coffee grounds?

because the thing or person that vomited might have eaten coffee grounds and their stomach might not agreed with them so their for the stomach got rid of the coffee grounds I believe that 'coffee grounds' is used to describe vomited blood, as from an ulcer. If vomit looks like that, one should immediately consult a doctor. See Related Links.

How much coffee is used in west bend 30 cup coffee pot?

The suggested amount of coffee grounds per 8oz cup is 1 tablespoon. In a 30 cup coffee pot, 30 tablespoons would be used or 1.87 cups of coffee grounds.

Why are coffee filter used to separate mixtures?

The filter make the separation of the insoluble coffee grounds.

Are coffee grounds good for dog wood trees?

Used coffee grounds are a great soil amendment. High in acid they are fine for dogwood trees. Most insects do not like coffee grounds and will avoid them, so spreading coffee grounds around a dogwood will also help rid you plant of over wintering leaf eating insects.

Where can filtration be used outside the lab?

The first thing that comes to my mind is making coffee. By filtering water through a filter filled with grounds, you don't get solid grounds in your coffee.

How much coffee grounds do you use for indoor plants?

Used Coffee grounds are acidic with a pH of between 3 and 5. Care should be taken when using them on potted plants other than acid lovers such as Azaleas, Camellias, Gardenias etc. A balanced organic fertilizer is a better option.

Do coffee grounds help plants grow?

Yes, coffee grounds are good for citrus trees.Specifically, coffee grounds have about twice the nitrogen content that it has of phosphorus and potassium. They improve soil fertility and encourage soil food web life. For example, they repel slugs but attract earthworms.

Do coffee grounds keep rabbits out of gardens?

Yes, coffee grounds keep rabbits out of gardens, according to anecdotal, not scientifically researched, gardening. The leptorids in question prefer to avoid harsh textures and strong smells. Fresh coffee grounds tend to reinforce acidic power of hydrogen (pH) while unwashed grounds will lower soil pH and used grounds will function neutrally.

Why do you crave eating coffee grounds?

It could be for a couple reasons: The coffee filter being used is the incorrect size for your coffee maker. The ground coffee could be too fine for your filter or type of coffee maker Could have too much ground coffee in the filter The ground coffee wasn't leveled off in the filter May need to check if coffee grounds is in coffee maker Most times its a simple fix. Pay attention to your filter and how you put in the coffee grinds.