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Floors in heating season, ceilings in Air Conditioning season

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Q: Should cold air returns be near the ceiling or on the floor?
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Where should vents be placed-celiling or floor for AC?

Ceiling. Cold air fails

In winter where should the heater be placed in the room near the floor or near the ceiling?

Heat naturally moves to colder air. Place the heater on the floor and it will rise to the ceiling, as it is lighter than the cold air.

What positions should high low air returns be in summer and winter?

Only the low air returns have dampers, and they should be open in winter, so they can suck in the lower cold air (cold air sinks), and in summer the dampers should be closed, so the high air returns suck the hot air near the ceiling (hot air raises)

Why are radiators placed near the floor and not the ceiling?

They are placed on the floor because heat rises. If the heater was up high, the ceiling would be nice and warm, while the walls and floor would be cold.They are placed on the floor because heat rises. If the heater was up high, the ceiling would be nice and warm, while the walls and floor would be cold.

Why are heaters fitted near the floor and air conditioners near the ceiling of a room?

Cold air falls...warm air rises

Why is the air in a heated room usually cooler near the floor than the ceiling?

because hot air rises and cold air sinks.

Which way do the ceiling fan blades go in the winter?

The direction that would cause the air movement to circulate up toward the ceiling instead of down. Usually counterclockwise looking from the floor up. That way the heat hanging on the ceiling will be recirculated down the living area without causing an uncomfortable cold breeze.

Your forced air vents heat are in the ceiling cold air returns are baseboard what to do to make the heating more efficient?

First,I would check the houses infiltration rate and try to improve it. Second I would look at the fuel efficiency rating of the equipment and improve things there if it is an older unit. Vent placement in your case is trivial, returns belong down low where the cold air is.

A student put his foot on a cold floor and immediately pulled his foot of the floor what type of response is this?

The floor is cold?

Why should heating vents be placed in the floor?

This is due tobuoyancy. Think about a hot air balloon as an example. Warm air has greater buoyancy than cooler air and will rise. Conversely, cold air will sink when introduced to a warmer atmosphere and this is why you see cooling vents placed in the ceiling.

Should ceiling fans run on extremely hot days?

Yes in a clockwise rotation to move the cold air throughout the room or rooms

What should I use hot or cold compress for unknown reason for ankle and foot swelling?

Swelling should always be treated with COLD compress, not hot. But if the swelling persists or returns, see a doctor to find out what is causing it.