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  • First, coast regions are subject to a variety of risks to development: hurricanes, large waves, super high tides, tsunamis and other types of human made disasters such as oil spills and ship wrecks. There are direct and indirect costs to society to support development in these regions: high insurance rates and higher taxes. While most areas that are livable involve some risk, it seems the risks associated with living on the coast are predictable and unavoidable while the risks in other areas maybe less predictable and easier to mitigate.
  • Second, development on coast regions has an environmental impact that can have consequences for inland regions. Development on coast regions (especially on the outer banks zones) interferes with the transport of sand. Beaches and outer banks provide buffers to hurricanes, high tides and large waves to more inland regions. Development on the coast tends to slow or arrest the transport of sand along the coast. So the beaches and outer banks areas cannot protect inland regions.
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Q: Should development along the coastal regions be discouraged?
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