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There are different institutions for different levels of crime, most state and federal prisons have reception centers where all convicted criminals go and then they are sent to facilities depending on the severity of the crime and the length of the sentence. In Illinois there are Maximum, Medium, and minimum security facilities and the type of crime determines where the person serves there time. Over crowding in a minimum facility can cause people to serve time in Max or Medium when they would usually serve it in Minimum security.

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Q: Should everyone be in the same jail or prison or should you have different institutions for different crimes?
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Do you go to different jails for different crimes?

Yes. Federal crimes will get you time in federal correctional institutions or penitentiaries. State crimes (if they are misdemeanors) will probably get you time in your local (or regional) jail while felony crimes will probably get you sentenced to a state penitentiary.

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Yes, celebrities should be held to the same standards and laws as everyone else when they commit crimes. Fair and equal treatment under the law is important regardless of a person's social status.

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There are several different types of crimes. There are crimes based on different levels of government. There are federal, state, and local crimes usually depending on the severity of the crime itself.

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Well in some places the "most violent' are housed in maximum security institutions. But for those institutions where violent and non-violent are housed together, you can bet it is do to the fact that states do not have additional budgets to allocate the different types of offenders according to their offense. And perhaps this should serve as an added deterrent to committing crimes and risking ones freedom.

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Yes everyone is strip searched when being booked.They do not apply special rules for virgins. That sounds ridiculous.

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U.S. MArshall

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Crimes that should be punishable by death, but did not get the death penalty in recent times are; crimes of terror attack, and crimes against humanity.

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