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It's probably not a bad idea.

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Q: Should gallbladder be removed is function is 40 percent?
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What should I do if I get a gallbladder attack?

Individual gall stones can be removed from the gallbladder. If there are too many gall stones, the gallbladder itself must be surgically removed.

Is an enlarged gallbladder bad?

It could be indicative of a problem, and the gallbladder might need to be removed, but of course you should consult with a doctor to determine the best course of action.

What care should a patient receive after a gallstone removal?

Without a gallbladder, stones rarely reform. Patients who have continued symptoms after their gallbladder is removed may need an ERCP to detect residual stones or damage to the bile ducts caused by the stones before they were removed.

What happens if size of gallbladder in the stomach increases?

Your gallbladder isn't in your stomach. It is located near the liver, and stores the bile that the liver produces. If the size of the gallbladder increases, it might be an indication of a problem, and a doctor would be able to tell you whether you should have it removed.

Can you still get gallbladder pain if your gallbladder has been removed?

You can have severe pain from a stone in the ducts. You can also have sharp pains from adhesions after the surgery. You should not get the typical cramping pains after eating a fatty meal.

Can you have gallbladder removed when only 3 weeks pregnant?

Yes and if you have to you have to but trust your doctor on this one. You should speak and listen to him since he is the one knowing this after examening you.

How are gallstones treated in alternative medicine?

An allergic reaction to certain foods may contribute to gallbladder attacks. These foods should be identified and removed from the diet

Can you eat pumpkin if you have a bad gallbladder?

You can, pumpkin is fat-free so should not aggrevate a bad gallbladder.

Can you re-pierce your navel after having your gallbladder removed?

Well a professional body piercer would need to look to see what you have to work with, but in general there should be no overly reason why it can't be done.

What would happen if you removed one of the reactants during a chemical?

Photosynthesis would not function the way that it should.

Can the human body function without the gallbladder?

Yes you can. In fact there are duodenal resection surgeries.

Do lions have a gallbladder?

I should think so? most proberly