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Q: Should I learn Python and Django after HTML and CSS?
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Which language will be the best language to learn for computer programming in 2016?

C, C++, C#, Java, Python, HTML/CSS and SQL.

What is the best HTML tutorial?

You can find various tutorials of HTML on w3school and Youtube. You should learn them and practice yourself.

Which is the most easiest web development language for begineers?


How do you change font on HTML?

type w3schools on google and go on their website. you should learn there .

Is HTML difficult to learn?

It depends on how you learn HTML, there are tons of resources on the Internet to learn HTML. One of the quickest and easiest ways is to watch an online HTML video tutorial. With the excellent visual aids and demonstrations included in the video, you should have an excellent start to learning and using HTML.

What programming language should you learn first?

html is fairly simple but it really depends as to what you want to learn and what skills and resources you have available to you at this time

Which is the first programming language that you should learn?

You should definitely learn C first, as pretty much all modern programming languages are based off of it. But if you wanted something easier, you could learn python, which happens to be based off of C. After C you could learn C++, as it is widely used but less so each year. HTML CSS and PHP would be good if you wanted to program web stuff. Then there's Objective-C (my first language) for iPhone, and Java for enterprise and android and such. .Net and C# for windows.

You want to design website and handle it.whether you should learn core java or advanced java?

You should learn HTML, JavaScript and other web programming languages. Leave learning Java until you have a good reason to learn it.

Where is a good place to learn HTML?

These sites can help you learn a couple of (only for HTML)That's how I learned a couple of Internet languages.

Can anyone learn HTML?

How to learn HTML Html is not hard to learn at all. You just cover the basics and practice, as we know practice makes perfect. Html is very important in web development, because it is used to create the web document that you always see on the internet, the webpages, the writings, text and many more. You can check out my channel where i give free tutorials in Html and Css for beginners. @codewithalex7 on youtube. ( Search it on youtube) Make sure to visit my youtube channel and learn Html and Css for free.

How do you edit your Tumblr theme?

Learn HTML.

How much time to learn Html?
