

Should junk foods be banned from school?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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Junk food banned from schools, there are 2 sides to this.

Side A:


It has been proven that children are THIRTY TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BECOME OBESE than 20 years ago. Junk food, the definition is vauge, but it mainly reffers to food with little or no nutritional value. People sometimes forget that Junk Food is not meant to be eaten EVERY DAY! Unfortunetly, there are some people in the world who think McDonalds is meant for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (Or supper if you preffer.) Kids these days DO eat tremendous amounts of junk and many don't excersize as much as they should, and schools can only force them to excersize during gym periods. Junk food has low nutritional value and by a scientific study many children have fatiuge and lazyness after eating junk food, therefore doing worse on schoolwork and testing.

Side B:

No, Its OUR fault!!!!

It has ALSO been proven that no one can FORCE you to eat the junk food. True, some people do eat it as comfort food, but that's their choice you see. Child obesity may be higher than before, but its not all because of junk food. Children have lost the will to excersize. Wheres the fun? All you do is get hot, sweaty and tired. I'm sure some kids still enjoy excersize but those kids are few. Most kids would rather sit at home and play games where they shoot zombie people or run around collecting coins. Some kids eat to much junk food but, its our body! We don't tell you you can't smoke! We say you SHOULDN'T, but SHOULDN'T and YOU CAN'T are two TOTALLY diffrent things. Gym periods, they may be short but from my excperience, most schools give a rigorus workout in gym. My school makes you do 25 laps around the gym (WHICH IS HUGE!!!), 20 pushups, 15 crunchies, 10 burpees and 5 jumping jacks BEFORE class even BEGINS!!!! This alone is enough of a workout for my entire day, I burn enough calories in my 40 minute gym class that I could eat a whole chocolate cake after to replenish HALF of them. And Kids who don't pay attention in class DONT WANT TO!!! You DO get tired, but not until you get home! Any kid who doesnt do well on school work or testing is because they don't understand the material or they just don't care. Junk food is bad for you in large quantities, but in the small amounts most people eat it in, it is not harmful.

I myself am against schools banning junk food.

"Its my body, Ill do with it what I want. And if I get fat its my own fault, and never in a million years will I blame you."

Thank you for reading =)

****** NEW PERSON***

okay so im leaving the "no" answer just because its comical how naive who ever wrote that is. honestly if thats all your work out is and its "enough for an entire day" 25 laps around any gym in not much. maybe a mile or two if the gym is huge. in order for push ups to add muscle you need to do more than 25. you need to do 3 reps of 25 atleast 4 times a week, and maybe just MABYE you MAY see a VERY LITTLE improvement in youre arms. same goes for the rest. there is inbetween 1500-2500 calories in a cake. another way of looking at it is more than anyone should eat in a day. depending on youre hieght and weight in order to maintain your current weight. for me i can only eat 1300. im 5'0 and 100 pounds. a healthy weight for me, im all muscle. i run 10 miles a day as a warm up then i work out for another hour to hour and a half every single day. im not saying everyone should do that but if you want to be healthy eat an apple avoid the cake and go and run. no one should have a peice of cake or icecream everyday its a treat. not an everyday thing. do you treat yourself to the nail salon or tanning salon or getting a facial or massage everyday? no. so don't treat yourself to junk either.

okay now to answer the question now that ive got that out of my system. YES schools should band junk food. America is facing a crisis because of our eating habits. Sixty million adults (20 percent of the population) are obese. Nearly 300,000 people die each year from complications associated with being obese or overweight.

Poor eating habits developed at an early age lead to a lifetime of real health consequences. School is where children spend most of their time, and it is where we lay the foundation for everything; such as who they talk to in school, what sports they will get into, the grades, what they want to be when they grow up, and even their eating habbits. That's why New Jersey is the first state to adopt a comprehensive school nutrition policy that bans candy, soda, and other junk food.

If you go to school in New Jersey, your vending machines and school stores, along with the a la carte lines in your cafeterias, will no longer be able to sell snacks that are high in fat and loaded with sugar. Items that list sugar as the first ingredient will be eliminated and snacks will contain no more than eight grams of total fat and not more than two grams of saturated fat.

Junk food, the definition is vauge, but it mainly reffers to food with little or no nutritional value. People sometimes forget that Junk Food is not meant to be eaten EVERY DAY! Unfortunetly, there are some people in the world who think McDonalds is meant for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (Or supper if you preffer.) Kids these days DO eat tremendous amounts of junk and many don't excersize as much as they should, and schools can only force them to excersize during gym periods. Junk food has low nutritional value and by a scientific study many children have fatiuge and lazyness after eating junk food, therefore doing worse on schoolwork and testing.

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12y ago

Yes,junk food should be ban from schools because junk food very harmful to our body and when we eat junk food eg.Hotdogs,cold-drinks,etc. junk food make us tired and lazy.

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