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Yes and they all ready do have laws that do this. In Calfornia we build to the strictest standards.

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Q: Should laws say that the buildings built near faults must be earthquake poof?
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Should laws say that buildings built near faults must be earthquake proof explain?

They all do have laws for making a building earthquake proof.

Should buildings built near fault lines be earthquake proof?

yes its safer

Why did some of the buildings survive the Kobe earthquake and some did'NT?

Buildings that were retrofitted to withstand earthquakes or those built with seismic design features were more likely to survive the Kobe earthquake. On the other hand, older buildings or structures that were poorly constructed were more susceptible to damage or collapse. Additionally, the soil composition and proximity to the fault line also played a role in determining which buildings survived and which did not.

How faults produce earthquakes?

Faults DO NOT produce earthquakes, faults are produced by earthquakes. This means that earthquake loci are centered on and along faults. The energy released by an earthquake is the stress energy built up as a result of plate tectonic forces.

Why not all movement along faults produce earthquakes?

Faults DO NOT produce earthquakes, faults are produced by earthquakes. This means that earthquake loci are centered on and along faults. The energy released by an earthquake is the strain energy built up as a result of plate tectonic forces. Some faults move easily and thus no strain energy builds up.

Should laws say that building built near faults must be earthquake proof?

Because it is safer

What describes foundation damage?

Buildings built on soil sink due to settling after an earthquake

What goes into earthquake proof buildings?

Earthquake-proof buildings incorporate features such as reinforced concrete frames, base isolation systems, damping devices, and flexible building materials to absorb and dissipate seismic forces. Proper design and construction techniques, as well as adherence to building codes and regulations, are crucial in ensuring a building's resilience to seismic events. Regular maintenance and inspections are also important to uphold the structural integrity of the building over time.

Why was Haiti's earthquake more powerful than Chile's?

Haiti's earthquake was more devastating than Chile's despite being smaller in magnitude due to differences in population density, building construction, and emergency response capacity. Haiti's quake hit a densely-populated urban area with inadequate infrastructure, exacerbating its impact, while Chile's earthquake occurred in a less populated region with stronger buildings and better emergency services.

Why is it important for us to indentify areas which are prone to earthquake?

Areas prone to earthquakes should be identified so that people can prepare for them. Most notably, bridges and public buildings should be built to withstand earthquakes.

What do people learn from earthquakes?

How to prepared for the next earthquake. For example, construction has enhanced significantly due to earthquakes. Buildings are now built to withstand any earthquake.

What kind of building designs are safe for an earthquake?

buildings need to 'flex' and have suspension built into their foundations to resist earthquakes.